Kemaren gue sama temen gue akhirnya makan di Solaria. Menu Solaria itu selalu bikin gue puas deh soalnya gue suka banget. Ada nasi ayam goreng mentega, mie goreng ayam, ifumie, chicken mozarella, fish and chip, dan lain-lain.
Rasa makanannya tu enaaakk banget dan harganya juga nggak mahal-mahal banget. Sayang, nunggu makanannya itu tu yang bikin kesel. Lamaaaa bangeeetttt
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010
Ice cream Oen di Semarang
Menyebut tempat wisata kuliner Kota Semarang, pastilah Toko Ice cream Oen yang berada di jalan Pemuda menjadi restoran paling awal disebutkan. Toko yang sudah bertahan tiga generasi itu, dengan khas menyajikan menu-menu andalannya yang bahan maupun rasa terjaga secara turun temurun dan diyakini rasanya tidak pernah berubah dari dulu.
Toko Oen Semarang berdiri sejak tahun 1933, saat ini pemiliknya Yenni Kalalo merupakan generasi ketiga dari toko tersebut. Konsep restoran satu ini pun khas, dengan bangunan kunonya. Kalaupun ada penyegaran pada interiornya saja.
Toko Oen bagaikan ikon Semarang, setiap wisatawan khususnya dari Belanda yang berkunjung ke Semarang selalu mampir sejenak ke toko ini.
Saat ini Toko Oen bukan lagi identik dengan orang tua, saat kami datang dan ingin menikmati makanan di restoran tersebut ada beberapa anak muda datang di restoran yang didirikan oleh Liem Gien Nio, istri dari Oen Tjoen Hok itu.
Kebanyakan anak muda ini datang menikmati berbagai ice cream yang ada di Toko Oen, menurut Antok Liem pengurus Toko Oen ice cream yang paling banyak digemari ice cream Oen Simphony dan Tutty Fruity.
Kedua ice cream ini disajikan dengan bentuk yang sangat unik, untuk Oen Simphony ada permainan warna dalam penyajiannya dari ice cream rasa coklat yang ditaruh paling bawah, ditingkat selanjutnya ada ice cream rasa vanila, serta tidak ketinggalan roti lidah kucing.
Yang lebih menarik lagi ternyata resep pembuatan ice cream ini sama dengan saat Toko Oen berdiri, Antok mengungkapkan resep yang dibuat sejak generasi pertama itu sengaja dipertahankan untuk menjaga rasa ice cream tersebut.
"Dulu pernah diuji coba untuk beberapa bahan pembuat ice cream dikurangi, ternyata rasa yang dihasilkan sangat berbeda. Sehingga sampai saat ini oleh generasi penerus Toko Oen tetap menggunakan resep ice cream yang lama tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun komposisi bahan pembuatnya," ungkap Antok.
Resep ice cream yang telah bertahan puluhan tahun itu ternyata memang sangat nikmat, ice cream - nya lumer dan lembut dimulut. Untuk rasa dari ice cream itu sendiri sangatlah nikmat, tentunya ice cream Oen Simphony seharga Rp 17.500 itu tidaklah mahal dan sepadan dengan rasa ice cream itu sendiri.
Antok menambahkan menikmati ice cream di Toko Oen sangatlah nikmat kalau diselingi nyemil beberapa roti khas buatan TOKO Oen seperti kaastengel (kue keju kering) dan kattetonge (kue lidah kucing). (Wisanggeni/CN13)
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Dim Sum
Toko Oen Semarang berdiri sejak tahun 1933, saat ini pemiliknya Yenni Kalalo merupakan generasi ketiga dari toko tersebut. Konsep restoran satu ini pun khas, dengan bangunan kunonya. Kalaupun ada penyegaran pada interiornya saja.
Toko Oen bagaikan ikon Semarang, setiap wisatawan khususnya dari Belanda yang berkunjung ke Semarang selalu mampir sejenak ke toko ini.
Saat ini Toko Oen bukan lagi identik dengan orang tua, saat kami datang dan ingin menikmati makanan di restoran tersebut ada beberapa anak muda datang di restoran yang didirikan oleh Liem Gien Nio, istri dari Oen Tjoen Hok itu.
Kebanyakan anak muda ini datang menikmati berbagai ice cream yang ada di Toko Oen, menurut Antok Liem pengurus Toko Oen ice cream yang paling banyak digemari ice cream Oen Simphony dan Tutty Fruity.
Kedua ice cream ini disajikan dengan bentuk yang sangat unik, untuk Oen Simphony ada permainan warna dalam penyajiannya dari ice cream rasa coklat yang ditaruh paling bawah, ditingkat selanjutnya ada ice cream rasa vanila, serta tidak ketinggalan roti lidah kucing.
Yang lebih menarik lagi ternyata resep pembuatan ice cream ini sama dengan saat Toko Oen berdiri, Antok mengungkapkan resep yang dibuat sejak generasi pertama itu sengaja dipertahankan untuk menjaga rasa ice cream tersebut.
"Dulu pernah diuji coba untuk beberapa bahan pembuat ice cream dikurangi, ternyata rasa yang dihasilkan sangat berbeda. Sehingga sampai saat ini oleh generasi penerus Toko Oen tetap menggunakan resep ice cream yang lama tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun komposisi bahan pembuatnya," ungkap Antok.
Resep ice cream yang telah bertahan puluhan tahun itu ternyata memang sangat nikmat, ice cream - nya lumer dan lembut dimulut. Untuk rasa dari ice cream itu sendiri sangatlah nikmat, tentunya ice cream Oen Simphony seharga Rp 17.500 itu tidaklah mahal dan sepadan dengan rasa ice cream itu sendiri.
Antok menambahkan menikmati ice cream di Toko Oen sangatlah nikmat kalau diselingi nyemil beberapa roti khas buatan TOKO Oen seperti kaastengel (kue keju kering) dan kattetonge (kue lidah kucing). (Wisanggeni/CN13)
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Dim Sum
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
Pemilik Poke Sushi
Bekerja sebagai seorang waiter, helper, hingga asisten chef pernah dilakoni oleh pria yang kini menjadi Sushi chef sekaligus pemilik sebuah resto sushi ini. Siapa sangka belajar memasak dari sang oma dan rasa ingin tahu yang besar justru merupakan modal terbesarnya menjadi sukses!
Bernama lengkap Toar Christopher atau yang akrab disapa Itoph, sushi chef dan salah satu pemilik Poké Sushi ini mengaku tak pernah menyangka akan menjadi seorang chef apalagi seorang sushi chef. Cita-citanya semasa SMA adalah menjadi seorang arsitek untuk mengikuti jejak sang ibu. Bahkan ia pun sempat mengecap pendidikan arsitek di Universitas Parahiangan, Bandung.
"Saya dulu bandel sekali, sehingga baru beberapa semester saya pun drop out akibat sering tidak masuk kuliah," ujarnya sambil terkekeh geli mengenang masa lalu. Hampir putus asa akhirnya sang ibu memutuskan untuk mengirimnya ke USA dan mengambil jurusan IT. Hijrah ke USA justru menjadi titik balik dari kehidupan Itop yang tak pernah bisa diduganya.
Pengalaman pertama bekerja part time dilakoninya di sebuah restoran bernama 'Little Tokyo'. Menjadi seorang waiter hingga kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris juga pernah dialami oleh Itop. Akhirnya saat terjadi krisis moneter di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 memaksanya bekerja total untuk membiayai kuliah.
Setelah menjalani training di Tennesee, USA selama 3 bulan akhirnya bapak dari seorang putri berusia 12 tahun ini ditempatkan di sebuah restoran Cina. Disinilah ia mulai mendapatkan ketrampilan dasar untuk menjadi seorang chef. Mulai dari menjadi seorang waiter, hingga kemudian menjadi seorang 'helper' di dapur. Menguliti ayam, mengangkat barang, hingga berdiri berjam-jam sudah merupakan makanan sehari-hari yang dijalani Itoph dengan tekun dan penuh kesabaran.
Tak sia-sia, ketika perusahaan tempat ia bekerja ingin membuka sebuah restoran Jepang di ia pun mendapatkan tawaran untuk mendalami sushi. Sebulan penuh ia mempelajari dan menghapalkan menu hingga diterima sebagai 'helper' seorang sushi chef. "Belajar menjadi sushi chef tidak mudah karena kita tidak diajarkan secara langsung. Kita harus pandai-pandai berlatih sendiri dan memperhatikan teknik sang chef, sebab sushi chef memang biasanya terkenal pelit berbagi ilmu" terangnya.
Setelah setahun, akhirnya Itop memperoleh kepercayaan dari sang chef untuk membuat maki dan nigiri sushi. Dalam tahap sebelumnya Itoph bahkan menjalani training mengasah pisau, mencuci, menyiapkan sayuran hingga memotong sayuran.
"Yang tersulit dari membuat sushi kita harus bergerak cepat sementara hasilnya tak hanya enak namun harus cantik," ujar Itoph. Cekatan dan kedisiplinan Itoph membuat sang guru terkesan dan merekomendasikan dirinya untuk memperdalam 'speed' membuat sushi pada teman sang guru di Atlanta. Ia pun sempat berguru di Atlanta selama 3 bulan, sebelum akhirnya kembali ditarik di perusahaan tempatnya bekerja dulu.
Perjalanan menjadi seorang corporate sushi chef pun dimulai, ia pun dipercaya memberi pelatihan outlet-outlet sushi perusahaan yang tersebar di seluruh Amerika. Namun tak lama, pekerjaan tersebut membuatnya bosan ia pun melamar bekerja di sebuah resto Jepang 'Ohana'. Pengalaman membuatnya diangkat menjadi sushi chef Ohana dan bekerja disana hampir 2 tahun lamanya.
Setelah pulang ke Indonesia, berkat dorongan dan ajakan teman-teman ia pun berani membuka sebuah restoran sushi bernama Poké Sushi Dharmawangsa yang menjadi cikal bakal tumbuhnya outlet-outlet Poké Sushi lainnya di Jakarta. Restoran berkonsep 'Japanese American Fusion' ini memang memiliki spesialisasi sushi berbentuk roll. Namun jika ditanya soal makanan favoritnya, "Sebenarnya makanan favorit saya bukan Jepang melainkan Bruine Bonen Soep buatan oma saya," ujarnya.
Tak pelit berbagi ilmu, ia pun memberikan resep membuat Caterpillar Unagi Roll bagi pembaca detikfood khususnya mereka pencinta sushi. Sushi ini merupakan salah satu menu favorit pengunjung Poké Sushi yang hmm... oishii desu ne!
Caterpillar Unagi Roll
Untuk 8 potong
80 g Nasi sushi
?? lembar nori ukuran 10x20 cm
10 g tobiko
80 g daging alpukat, iris tipis
10 g kyuri/mentimun hijau, iris tipis
50 g unagi, siap beli
10 ml saus unagi/teriyaki
1 sdt tobiko
Cara membuat:
* Sebarkan nasi sushi secara merata dengan menyisakan 5 mm bagian memanjang nori tanpa nasi. (Sebelumnya, basahi tangan dengan air).
* Balikkan ke atas makisu (gulungan bambu) yang sudah dilapisi plastik sehingga bagian nasi ada di luar. Susun di atas nori; tobiko, unagi dan kyuri.
* Gulung sambil padatkan hingga rapi dan lurus.
* Susun irisan alpukat segar di atasnya, tekan kembali dengan makisu hingga
* salmon melekat.
* Perciki dengan saus unagi/teriyaki dan taburi tobiko
* Potong melintang menjadi 8 bagian. Lapisi plastik, tekan-tekan kembali.
* Susun di atas piring, sajikan segera.
* Untuk alpukat, pilih alpukat lokal Sukabumi yang besar dan tua. Ketika dipegang rasanya ‘kekar’, keras tetapi tidak terlalu lembut.
* Agar alpukat tidak kecokelatan warnanya, potong-potong sesaat akan disajikan atau digunakan.
* Unagi dapat dibeli di supermarket yang menjual produk import seperti Ranch Market, Sogo, dll.
* Pilih unagi yang besar, dagingnya lebih enak dan lebih lembut.
* Jika masih tersisa, unagi dapat disimpan di chiller.
"Kalau orang lain bisa, maka saya juga harus bisa," demikian tuturnya saat ditanya tentang motto hidupnya dan kegigihannya dalam menjalani hidup. (dev/Odi)
Sumber : Devita Sari - detikFood
Lihat juga:
Bernama lengkap Toar Christopher atau yang akrab disapa Itoph, sushi chef dan salah satu pemilik Poké Sushi ini mengaku tak pernah menyangka akan menjadi seorang chef apalagi seorang sushi chef. Cita-citanya semasa SMA adalah menjadi seorang arsitek untuk mengikuti jejak sang ibu. Bahkan ia pun sempat mengecap pendidikan arsitek di Universitas Parahiangan, Bandung.
"Saya dulu bandel sekali, sehingga baru beberapa semester saya pun drop out akibat sering tidak masuk kuliah," ujarnya sambil terkekeh geli mengenang masa lalu. Hampir putus asa akhirnya sang ibu memutuskan untuk mengirimnya ke USA dan mengambil jurusan IT. Hijrah ke USA justru menjadi titik balik dari kehidupan Itop yang tak pernah bisa diduganya.
Pengalaman pertama bekerja part time dilakoninya di sebuah restoran bernama 'Little Tokyo'. Menjadi seorang waiter hingga kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris juga pernah dialami oleh Itop. Akhirnya saat terjadi krisis moneter di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 memaksanya bekerja total untuk membiayai kuliah.
Setelah menjalani training di Tennesee, USA selama 3 bulan akhirnya bapak dari seorang putri berusia 12 tahun ini ditempatkan di sebuah restoran Cina. Disinilah ia mulai mendapatkan ketrampilan dasar untuk menjadi seorang chef. Mulai dari menjadi seorang waiter, hingga kemudian menjadi seorang 'helper' di dapur. Menguliti ayam, mengangkat barang, hingga berdiri berjam-jam sudah merupakan makanan sehari-hari yang dijalani Itoph dengan tekun dan penuh kesabaran.
Tak sia-sia, ketika perusahaan tempat ia bekerja ingin membuka sebuah restoran Jepang di ia pun mendapatkan tawaran untuk mendalami sushi. Sebulan penuh ia mempelajari dan menghapalkan menu hingga diterima sebagai 'helper' seorang sushi chef. "Belajar menjadi sushi chef tidak mudah karena kita tidak diajarkan secara langsung. Kita harus pandai-pandai berlatih sendiri dan memperhatikan teknik sang chef, sebab sushi chef memang biasanya terkenal pelit berbagi ilmu" terangnya.
Setelah setahun, akhirnya Itop memperoleh kepercayaan dari sang chef untuk membuat maki dan nigiri sushi. Dalam tahap sebelumnya Itoph bahkan menjalani training mengasah pisau, mencuci, menyiapkan sayuran hingga memotong sayuran.
"Yang tersulit dari membuat sushi kita harus bergerak cepat sementara hasilnya tak hanya enak namun harus cantik," ujar Itoph. Cekatan dan kedisiplinan Itoph membuat sang guru terkesan dan merekomendasikan dirinya untuk memperdalam 'speed' membuat sushi pada teman sang guru di Atlanta. Ia pun sempat berguru di Atlanta selama 3 bulan, sebelum akhirnya kembali ditarik di perusahaan tempatnya bekerja dulu.
Perjalanan menjadi seorang corporate sushi chef pun dimulai, ia pun dipercaya memberi pelatihan outlet-outlet sushi perusahaan yang tersebar di seluruh Amerika. Namun tak lama, pekerjaan tersebut membuatnya bosan ia pun melamar bekerja di sebuah resto Jepang 'Ohana'. Pengalaman membuatnya diangkat menjadi sushi chef Ohana dan bekerja disana hampir 2 tahun lamanya.
Setelah pulang ke Indonesia, berkat dorongan dan ajakan teman-teman ia pun berani membuka sebuah restoran sushi bernama Poké Sushi Dharmawangsa yang menjadi cikal bakal tumbuhnya outlet-outlet Poké Sushi lainnya di Jakarta. Restoran berkonsep 'Japanese American Fusion' ini memang memiliki spesialisasi sushi berbentuk roll. Namun jika ditanya soal makanan favoritnya, "Sebenarnya makanan favorit saya bukan Jepang melainkan Bruine Bonen Soep buatan oma saya," ujarnya.
Tak pelit berbagi ilmu, ia pun memberikan resep membuat Caterpillar Unagi Roll bagi pembaca detikfood khususnya mereka pencinta sushi. Sushi ini merupakan salah satu menu favorit pengunjung Poké Sushi yang hmm... oishii desu ne!
Caterpillar Unagi Roll
Untuk 8 potong
80 g Nasi sushi
?? lembar nori ukuran 10x20 cm
10 g tobiko
80 g daging alpukat, iris tipis
10 g kyuri/mentimun hijau, iris tipis
50 g unagi, siap beli
10 ml saus unagi/teriyaki
1 sdt tobiko
Cara membuat:
* Sebarkan nasi sushi secara merata dengan menyisakan 5 mm bagian memanjang nori tanpa nasi. (Sebelumnya, basahi tangan dengan air).
* Balikkan ke atas makisu (gulungan bambu) yang sudah dilapisi plastik sehingga bagian nasi ada di luar. Susun di atas nori; tobiko, unagi dan kyuri.
* Gulung sambil padatkan hingga rapi dan lurus.
* Susun irisan alpukat segar di atasnya, tekan kembali dengan makisu hingga
* salmon melekat.
* Perciki dengan saus unagi/teriyaki dan taburi tobiko
* Potong melintang menjadi 8 bagian. Lapisi plastik, tekan-tekan kembali.
* Susun di atas piring, sajikan segera.
* Untuk alpukat, pilih alpukat lokal Sukabumi yang besar dan tua. Ketika dipegang rasanya ‘kekar’, keras tetapi tidak terlalu lembut.
* Agar alpukat tidak kecokelatan warnanya, potong-potong sesaat akan disajikan atau digunakan.
* Unagi dapat dibeli di supermarket yang menjual produk import seperti Ranch Market, Sogo, dll.
* Pilih unagi yang besar, dagingnya lebih enak dan lebih lembut.
* Jika masih tersisa, unagi dapat disimpan di chiller.
"Kalau orang lain bisa, maka saya juga harus bisa," demikian tuturnya saat ditanya tentang motto hidupnya dan kegigihannya dalam menjalani hidup. (dev/Odi)
Sumber : Devita Sari - detikFood
Lihat juga:
Bakso yang Mirip Soto
Lokasi warung bakso yang mirip Soto daging sapi Putri Mi’ad Pemalang ini mungkin relatif jauh dari Jalur Pantura Pemalang, namun walau berada di pinggir jalan alternatif Pemalang-Comal, pengunjung Bakso yang berdiri sejak tahun 1965 ini tak pernah sepi pengunjung.
Berada persis di sebelah selatan Tugu Desa Jebed Utara, lokasi warung bakso ini berjarak sekitar 10 km dari pusat kota Pemalang.
Dengan interior yang masih sederhana tak membuat para pengunjung warung milik Kusyati (47) ini berkurang. Dengan tata letak kursi yang memanjang seperti khasnya orang hajatan, banyak pengunjung yang datang merasa menikmati bakso seperti di rumah sendiri.
Menurut Kusyati sertidaknya dia membutuhkan daging sapi 18 Kg dalam sehari.
Sejak tahun 1965
Bakso yang sejak tahun 1965 terkenal dengan nama bakso Miad ini awalnya berada di desa Banjaran. Namun seiring jaman, usai meninggalnya Pak Miad, Kusyati memindah lokasi sejak tahun 2000 ke pertigaan Jebed Utara yang lokasinya lebih strategis.
Aroma daging sapi rebusan sudah kental terasa saat hendak memasuki warung tersebut karena letak gerobag permanen yang diletakkan di depan warung. Bakso yang ada disini bukanlah bakso gilingan seperti yang sering kita jumpai. Tetapi masih dalam bentuk daging yang dipotong kecil. dimasak dengan bumbu sederhana, merica, kemiri dan bawang putih.
Lebih mirip soto malahan dibandingkan bakso yang sering kita jumpai sehari-hari. Daging yang empuk juga menjadikan bakso ini dikunjungi pejabat maupun masyarakat dari luar kota. Dan cukup dengan tujuh ribu rupiah, anda bisa menyantap semangkuk bakso daging.
Racikan Khusus
Penikmat bakso Miad boleh saja meminta racikan khusus, semisal meminta tambahan tomat atau kerupuk wuwur. Kesegaran kuah bakso dengan tomat segar menjadikan Rina (26) pengunjung dari Watukumpul sering mampir ke warung tersebut.
"Segarnya kuah dan tomat mentah membuat ingin kembali kesini" ucapnya saat ditemui di warung yang buka dari jam 10 pagi ini pada hari biasa tutup pukul tujuh malam.
Hidangan lain sebagai pelengkap di warung ini adalah buah jeruk sebagai penutup makanan. (Makhjudin Zein/CN13)
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Sour Sally
Berada persis di sebelah selatan Tugu Desa Jebed Utara, lokasi warung bakso ini berjarak sekitar 10 km dari pusat kota Pemalang.
Dengan interior yang masih sederhana tak membuat para pengunjung warung milik Kusyati (47) ini berkurang. Dengan tata letak kursi yang memanjang seperti khasnya orang hajatan, banyak pengunjung yang datang merasa menikmati bakso seperti di rumah sendiri.
Menurut Kusyati sertidaknya dia membutuhkan daging sapi 18 Kg dalam sehari.
Sejak tahun 1965
Bakso yang sejak tahun 1965 terkenal dengan nama bakso Miad ini awalnya berada di desa Banjaran. Namun seiring jaman, usai meninggalnya Pak Miad, Kusyati memindah lokasi sejak tahun 2000 ke pertigaan Jebed Utara yang lokasinya lebih strategis.
Aroma daging sapi rebusan sudah kental terasa saat hendak memasuki warung tersebut karena letak gerobag permanen yang diletakkan di depan warung. Bakso yang ada disini bukanlah bakso gilingan seperti yang sering kita jumpai. Tetapi masih dalam bentuk daging yang dipotong kecil. dimasak dengan bumbu sederhana, merica, kemiri dan bawang putih.
Lebih mirip soto malahan dibandingkan bakso yang sering kita jumpai sehari-hari. Daging yang empuk juga menjadikan bakso ini dikunjungi pejabat maupun masyarakat dari luar kota. Dan cukup dengan tujuh ribu rupiah, anda bisa menyantap semangkuk bakso daging.
Racikan Khusus
Penikmat bakso Miad boleh saja meminta racikan khusus, semisal meminta tambahan tomat atau kerupuk wuwur. Kesegaran kuah bakso dengan tomat segar menjadikan Rina (26) pengunjung dari Watukumpul sering mampir ke warung tersebut.
"Segarnya kuah dan tomat mentah membuat ingin kembali kesini" ucapnya saat ditemui di warung yang buka dari jam 10 pagi ini pada hari biasa tutup pukul tujuh malam.
Hidangan lain sebagai pelengkap di warung ini adalah buah jeruk sebagai penutup makanan. (Makhjudin Zein/CN13)
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Dim Sum
Sour Sally
Mahalnya Pajak Wine
Pemerintah diminta memberikan kemudahan kepada para eksportir minuman Wine dengan menurunkan pajaknya yang saat ini mencapai 150 persen sehingga mempersulit bagi para eksportir untuk mengimpor minuman tersebut dari luar negeri.
Para eksportir minuman anggur (wine) merasa pajak yang dikenakan pemerintah sangat besar yang membuat mereka kesulitan untuk membawa minuman anggur itu ke dalam negeri karena pajak yang dikenakan pemerintah sangat mahal, kata Wakil Presiden Sommellier Asociation, Alexander H. Effendie, kepada pers di Jakarta, kemarin.
Alexander H. Effendie mengatakan, pajak pemerintah terhadap wine sangat besar kalau dibandingkan di Singapura hanya 70 dolar Singapura per liter, bahkan, di Thailand pajak mengenai pameran minuman asing hanya ditetapkan nol persen.
Hal ini yang menghambat eksportir minuman anggur untuk mengimpor minuman anggur itu ke pasar domestik, ucapnya
Pemerintah, lanjut dia, harus menurunkan pajak minuman anggur itu secara perlahan-lahan tapi pasti sehingga memudahkan eksportir minuman tersebut dapat mengimpor lebih banyak lagi.
'Kami optimis pemerintah akan merubah kebijakannya melihat minat masyarakat membeli minuman itu cukup besar, ' katanya.
Minum anggur, menurut dia, bukan seperti minum air putih sekaligus diminum, namun minumnya dilakukan secara bertahap sedikit demi sedikit karena tubuh akan menjadi hangat dan segar dan memberikan kesehatan erutama bagi orang tua yang sudah lanjut.
Apalagi, potensi pasar di dalam negeri sangat besar kalau melihat jumlah penduduknya yang mencapai 230 juta orang, katanya.
Menurut Alexander, pasar minuman anggur pada tahun ini diperkirakan akan tumbuh sebesar 20 persen lebih tinggi dibanding tahun lalu.(Zaz/At/Kl)
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Burger King
Para eksportir minuman anggur (wine) merasa pajak yang dikenakan pemerintah sangat besar yang membuat mereka kesulitan untuk membawa minuman anggur itu ke dalam negeri karena pajak yang dikenakan pemerintah sangat mahal, kata Wakil Presiden Sommellier Asociation, Alexander H. Effendie, kepada pers di Jakarta, kemarin.
Alexander H. Effendie mengatakan, pajak pemerintah terhadap wine sangat besar kalau dibandingkan di Singapura hanya 70 dolar Singapura per liter, bahkan, di Thailand pajak mengenai pameran minuman asing hanya ditetapkan nol persen.
Hal ini yang menghambat eksportir minuman anggur untuk mengimpor minuman anggur itu ke pasar domestik, ucapnya
Pemerintah, lanjut dia, harus menurunkan pajak minuman anggur itu secara perlahan-lahan tapi pasti sehingga memudahkan eksportir minuman tersebut dapat mengimpor lebih banyak lagi.
'Kami optimis pemerintah akan merubah kebijakannya melihat minat masyarakat membeli minuman itu cukup besar, ' katanya.
Minum anggur, menurut dia, bukan seperti minum air putih sekaligus diminum, namun minumnya dilakukan secara bertahap sedikit demi sedikit karena tubuh akan menjadi hangat dan segar dan memberikan kesehatan erutama bagi orang tua yang sudah lanjut.
Apalagi, potensi pasar di dalam negeri sangat besar kalau melihat jumlah penduduknya yang mencapai 230 juta orang, katanya.
Menurut Alexander, pasar minuman anggur pada tahun ini diperkirakan akan tumbuh sebesar 20 persen lebih tinggi dibanding tahun lalu.(Zaz/At/Kl)
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Burger King
Steak dengan Saus Steak Siap Pakai
Anda bisa mencoba resep Steak yang mudah, sederhana, namun rasanya enak dengan menggunakan saus Steak siap pakai.
2 potong daging Steak (±225 gram per potong)
50 ml saus Steak siap pakai
3 sdm margarine/ minyak goreng
1 sdt bubuk merica
1 sdm kecap asin (bila suka)
2 sdm minyak (untuk menumis)
2 siung bawang bombay, cincang
½ butir bawang putih, cincang
1 sdt tepung terigu
½ bah paprika, potong dadu
60 ml kaldu daging
Cara Membuat:
- Lumuri daging Steak dengan saus siap pakai kemudian simpan selama 15-2 jam di dalam chiller sambil sesekali di balik.
- Panaskan grill pan dengan margarin. Panggang daging sambil dibalik-balik sampai tada kematangan yang diinginkan. Angkat.
- Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu dan harum. Msukkan tepung terigu sambil diaduk sampai kecokelatan.
- Beri sisa bumbu perendam steak, bubuk merica, kecap asin, paprika dan kaldu daging. Aduk-aduk sampai mendidih dan kental. Angkat.
Sajikan bersama Steak.
*Cara yang sama bisa diterapkan dengan saus teriyaki siap pakai.
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Dim Sum
2 potong daging Steak (±225 gram per potong)
50 ml saus Steak siap pakai
3 sdm margarine/ minyak goreng
1 sdt bubuk merica
1 sdm kecap asin (bila suka)
2 sdm minyak (untuk menumis)
2 siung bawang bombay, cincang
½ butir bawang putih, cincang
1 sdt tepung terigu
½ bah paprika, potong dadu
60 ml kaldu daging
Cara Membuat:
- Lumuri daging Steak dengan saus siap pakai kemudian simpan selama 15-2 jam di dalam chiller sambil sesekali di balik.
- Panaskan grill pan dengan margarin. Panggang daging sambil dibalik-balik sampai tada kematangan yang diinginkan. Angkat.
- Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu dan harum. Msukkan tepung terigu sambil diaduk sampai kecokelatan.
- Beri sisa bumbu perendam steak, bubuk merica, kecap asin, paprika dan kaldu daging. Aduk-aduk sampai mendidih dan kental. Angkat.
Sajikan bersama Steak.
*Cara yang sama bisa diterapkan dengan saus teriyaki siap pakai.
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Dim Sum
Selasa, 30 November 2010
Taner make Halal Wine
AMSTERDAM (Reuters CAIRO) - Taner Tabak (35) have attempted to obtain a white Wine kosher certificate for two years, and now he has succeeded. "Kevserhelalwine" passed his test and get halal certification from the Quality Control Halal (Halal Quality Control - HQC).
Search Tabak will wine with alcohol content of 0% done at the request of the Muslims. At a meeting every Friday, they can not drink with colleagues and friends and a "Wine kosher" can be a solution for the problem.
Tabak study the process of making alcohol-free wine. Through a new technical process, which made him get a patent, Tabak, in cooperation with a German company, managed to make alcohol-free wine. Tabak said it had no drinks alcohol-free wine is said, but they do not pass the test HQC kosher because it still contains some alcohol.
HQC has a lot of requirements before they give a certificate to a product. An additional request to obtain such a certificate is hygienic regulations. They work under the consultation with the HQC. Tabak said, "Wine is not made kosher with it!"
Tabak target group not only Muslims, but more broadly. "What I was also targeted pregnant women, those who are affected by diabetes, they who have to drive after attending a party and therefore can not drink alcohol and so on."
Among the collection Tabak is red wine, white, and roses, too heavy wine. He was convinced of his delicacy of taste wine and recently challenged a Nicolaas Klei Wine expert to come and taste the wine.
Kevser name refers to a letter in the Qur'an, clearly Tabak. The letter speaks of kosher wine.
Tabak was not worried about the sale of wine - his. Countries like Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Dubai, and even Saudi Arabia have shown interest, Tabak said with enthusiasm.
Tabak Kevserhelalwine sells through his company, Talay Wine Company, with an average price of 6-7 euros (IDR 90000-100000).
"We've changed the haram into halal. Wine that tastes like wine but it is completely free of alcohol, and we produce it," says Tabak.
Tabak-made kosher wines are not the only alcoholic beverages that contain no alcohol. Last year, in France produced Chamalal, champagne kosher. Like champagne in general, this drink is also made from wine and bubbly, but alcohol-free.
Launched in September, just before the holy month of Ramadan in 2008, proved successful Chamala accepted in the country of origin of champagne. No single event will ever complete without his presence.
Champagne bubble kosher version is sold at a price about 60 euros (Rp 900,000) per bottle in some restaurants, but much cheaper if bought at the supermarket.
Inventors Chamalal, Rachid Gacem, said he saw a gap in the market for alcoholic beverages.
"When I came to the party and everyone drank alcohol, such as champagne, they often ask if I want to drink one glass. But we (Muslims) do not drink alcohol. Because I want to be part of the party, I want to drink something like champagne, but not the champagne. "
Responding to these drinks, not all Muslims necessarily agree. Some of the Muslims even questioned the dubious content Cham'alal content. As the comments in an online news site that writes about the launch Cham'alal, one of which reads, "Does it truly Wine carbonated beverage?". (Rin / Iie / ITN / fw / RPK / at) Cited by
See also:
Search Tabak will wine with alcohol content of 0% done at the request of the Muslims. At a meeting every Friday, they can not drink with colleagues and friends and a "Wine kosher" can be a solution for the problem.
Tabak study the process of making alcohol-free wine. Through a new technical process, which made him get a patent, Tabak, in cooperation with a German company, managed to make alcohol-free wine. Tabak said it had no drinks alcohol-free wine is said, but they do not pass the test HQC kosher because it still contains some alcohol.
HQC has a lot of requirements before they give a certificate to a product. An additional request to obtain such a certificate is hygienic regulations. They work under the consultation with the HQC. Tabak said, "Wine is not made kosher with it!"
Tabak target group not only Muslims, but more broadly. "What I was also targeted pregnant women, those who are affected by diabetes, they who have to drive after attending a party and therefore can not drink alcohol and so on."
Among the collection Tabak is red wine, white, and roses, too heavy wine. He was convinced of his delicacy of taste wine and recently challenged a Nicolaas Klei Wine expert to come and taste the wine.
Kevser name refers to a letter in the Qur'an, clearly Tabak. The letter speaks of kosher wine.
Tabak was not worried about the sale of wine - his. Countries like Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Dubai, and even Saudi Arabia have shown interest, Tabak said with enthusiasm.
Tabak Kevserhelalwine sells through his company, Talay Wine Company, with an average price of 6-7 euros (IDR 90000-100000).
"We've changed the haram into halal. Wine that tastes like wine but it is completely free of alcohol, and we produce it," says Tabak.
Tabak-made kosher wines are not the only alcoholic beverages that contain no alcohol. Last year, in France produced Chamalal, champagne kosher. Like champagne in general, this drink is also made from wine and bubbly, but alcohol-free.
Launched in September, just before the holy month of Ramadan in 2008, proved successful Chamala accepted in the country of origin of champagne. No single event will ever complete without his presence.
Champagne bubble kosher version is sold at a price about 60 euros (Rp 900,000) per bottle in some restaurants, but much cheaper if bought at the supermarket.
Inventors Chamalal, Rachid Gacem, said he saw a gap in the market for alcoholic beverages.
"When I came to the party and everyone drank alcohol, such as champagne, they often ask if I want to drink one glass. But we (Muslims) do not drink alcohol. Because I want to be part of the party, I want to drink something like champagne, but not the champagne. "
Responding to these drinks, not all Muslims necessarily agree. Some of the Muslims even questioned the dubious content Cham'alal content. As the comments in an online news site that writes about the launch Cham'alal, one of which reads, "Does it truly Wine carbonated beverage?". (Rin / Iie / ITN / fw / RPK / at) Cited by
See also:
Crazy Whooper at Burger King
Burger King Japan is bringing global warming home this summer... home for dinner! Hot on the heels of the wildly successful Angry Whopper, the fast food giant is set to roll out a burger that makes the AW seem as cute as Hello Kitty. It's called the "Crazy Whopper", and anyone crazy enough to try it can do so starting on Friday, July 23rd of 2010.
What's so crazy about the Crazy Whopper? The peppers are the point. The Angry Whopper gets its heat from green Jalapeno chili peppers, which rate about 5,000 on the Scoville scale. That sounds pretty high but so's the scale: pure Capsaicin scores 15 to 16 million.
Habanero peppers rate up to 500,000 and topping the list for cultivated peppers is India's Bhut Jolokia, the dreaded Ghost Chili. The Guinness World Records folks certified Bhut Jolokia as the world's hottest pepper in 2007, rating some cultivars at a searing 1,000,000 Scoville units! Now that's hot... fries with that?
No one assumes Burger King Japan will be layering slices of Ghost Chili peppers onto their whoppers come July 23rd. Instead, it's likely that some unspecified amount of Bhut Jolokia extract will be infused into a sauce that, while certainly peppery, won't be sending patrons into convulsions or causing them to spontaneously combust.
All BK-J will say for the time being is that the Crazy Whopper will be 30 times spicier than the Angry Whopper. Get your 570 yen (about $6.35) ready and bring LOTS of water. (via Japan Today, and Chokoball Cafe)
Sumber : Steve
Lihat juga:
Dim Sum
What's so crazy about the Crazy Whopper? The peppers are the point. The Angry Whopper gets its heat from green Jalapeno chili peppers, which rate about 5,000 on the Scoville scale. That sounds pretty high but so's the scale: pure Capsaicin scores 15 to 16 million.
Habanero peppers rate up to 500,000 and topping the list for cultivated peppers is India's Bhut Jolokia, the dreaded Ghost Chili. The Guinness World Records folks certified Bhut Jolokia as the world's hottest pepper in 2007, rating some cultivars at a searing 1,000,000 Scoville units! Now that's hot... fries with that?
No one assumes Burger King Japan will be layering slices of Ghost Chili peppers onto their whoppers come July 23rd. Instead, it's likely that some unspecified amount of Bhut Jolokia extract will be infused into a sauce that, while certainly peppery, won't be sending patrons into convulsions or causing them to spontaneously combust.
All BK-J will say for the time being is that the Crazy Whopper will be 30 times spicier than the Angry Whopper. Get your 570 yen (about $6.35) ready and bring LOTS of water. (via Japan Today, and Chokoball Cafe)
Sumber : Steve
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Dim Sum
Enaknya Rujak Ice cream Yogyakarta
Di kota kelahiran saya, Yogyakarta, makanan yang satu ini gampang ditemukan, Rujak Ice cream. Racikan menu khas kota gudeg ini sebenarnya sederhana. Sepiring rujak berisi berbagai macam buah seperti mangga, bengkoang, pepaya, dan mentimun. Lalu, di atasnya di taruh Ice cream. Jangan dibayangkan ice cream - nya selembut es krim Walls atau Campina. Ice cream di atas rujak ini sekelas es puter. Tapi, rasanya mantap. Enak dan segar.
Manis gula jawa dan pedas dari bumbu rujak, bercampur dengan manis dari rasa susu ice cream, ditambah rasa asam dari mangga muda dan buah-buahan lainnya. Benar-benar merupakan paduan yang unik. Apalagi dinikmati saat cuaca panas. Hmm..bikin ketagihan!
Di Yogyakarta, Rujak ice cream ini biasa dijajakan dengan gerobak dorong dan mudah ditemui ditempat-tempat yang dekat dengan komplek sekolah, perkantoran atau perumahan.
Di antara sekian banyak penjaja rujak ini, ada satu penjual yang menjadi langganan saya. Letaknya di Pogung Baru Jalan Kaliurang km 4. Kalau dari arah selatan (dari arah bundaran UGM ), gang terakhir sebelum pompa bensin Jalan Kaliurang Km.4, masuk sekitar 500 meter.
Meski hanya warung sederhana, namun cukup nyaman. Sebab, disediakan gubuk bambu yang teduh dengan meja-meja pendek. Rujaknya juga baru dibikin setelah ada pesanan.
Di samping itu, pembeli bisa menentukan sendiri kadar kepedasannya. Mau cabai satu, tiga, sepuluh, bebas saja. Harganya juga murah kok. Cukup dengan Rp 2.500 per porsi, sepiring rujak es krim siap dinikmati.
Warung ini terbilang laris. Pada jam-jam tertentu, seperti jam makan siang atau jam 16.00 WIB,pembeli juga harus rela mengantri. Saya yakin rujak ice cream bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif pilihan makanan yang dicoba (Mmm...sayangnya tidak bisa dijadikan oleh-oleh!)
Sumber : Marcella Chandra Wijayanti - Kompas
Lihat juga:
Sour Sally
Manis gula jawa dan pedas dari bumbu rujak, bercampur dengan manis dari rasa susu ice cream, ditambah rasa asam dari mangga muda dan buah-buahan lainnya. Benar-benar merupakan paduan yang unik. Apalagi dinikmati saat cuaca panas. Hmm..bikin ketagihan!
Di Yogyakarta, Rujak ice cream ini biasa dijajakan dengan gerobak dorong dan mudah ditemui ditempat-tempat yang dekat dengan komplek sekolah, perkantoran atau perumahan.
Di antara sekian banyak penjaja rujak ini, ada satu penjual yang menjadi langganan saya. Letaknya di Pogung Baru Jalan Kaliurang km 4. Kalau dari arah selatan (dari arah bundaran UGM ), gang terakhir sebelum pompa bensin Jalan Kaliurang Km.4, masuk sekitar 500 meter.
Meski hanya warung sederhana, namun cukup nyaman. Sebab, disediakan gubuk bambu yang teduh dengan meja-meja pendek. Rujaknya juga baru dibikin setelah ada pesanan.
Di samping itu, pembeli bisa menentukan sendiri kadar kepedasannya. Mau cabai satu, tiga, sepuluh, bebas saja. Harganya juga murah kok. Cukup dengan Rp 2.500 per porsi, sepiring rujak es krim siap dinikmati.
Warung ini terbilang laris. Pada jam-jam tertentu, seperti jam makan siang atau jam 16.00 WIB,pembeli juga harus rela mengantri. Saya yakin rujak ice cream bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif pilihan makanan yang dicoba (Mmm...sayangnya tidak bisa dijadikan oleh-oleh!)
Sumber : Marcella Chandra Wijayanti - Kompas
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Sour Sally
Senin, 29 November 2010
Kelezatan Abuba
Hampir dua tahun saya tidak mencicipi Steak favorit ini. Akhirnya minggu lalu, saya pun berangkat untuk kembali mencicipi menu favorit satu ini, rasanya waow...... tetap tidak berubah meski saya sudah menjadi pelanggan tetapnya selama 13 tahun....! Rasanya tetap aduhai..... apalagi dengan campuran sayuran dan kentang gorengnya. Jangan tanya deh.... saya bisa egois makan sendiri !. hmmmhhh........
Seperti biasa saya memesan menu favorit Sirloin Steak, sementara suami saya memesan Tenderloin Steak.
Seingat saya terakhir kali makan di Abuba itu sudah sangat lama sekali, sekitar setahun lalu, jadi ketika makanan datang, kami langsung menyantapnya, dan rasa steak-nya masih sama seperti yg dulu, bahkan lebih enak menurut saya. Mak Nyuss sekali rasanya, seperti kata Bondan Winarno.
Daging yang dimasak sudah sangat matang dan dihidangkan dengan pembakaran yang sempurna. Berhubung pelanggan setia, nggak usah minta dibakar seperti apa. Rasanya yah...... memang sangat empuk sekali. Kuah dan bumbu yang disiramkan di atas Steak juga sangat pas di lidah. Dengan sayuran dan kentang yang lumayan banyak, untuk saya Abuba Steak memang tetap cihuy....!!
Satu kelebihan Abuba steak adalah tersedianya berbagai macam saos dan sambal botolan, yang memungkinkan anda untuk meracik sendiri menu saos yang pas untuk steak anda. Jangan lupa ada juga mustard, kecap asin dan kecap manis, lengkap deh semua.
Harganya lumayan nggak mahal lah untuk ukuran steak. Mulai dari Rp. 40.000 hingga Rp. 80.000 untuk daging Amerika, sedang untuk daging lokal hanya sekitar 20 ribu an, harga yang sebanding dengan rasa dan sajian dari sebuah steak.
Yang pasti, di lidah saya sekarang sudah terbayang kembali bumbu dan steak yang saya makan kemarin. Waduh..... Steak Abuba memang selalu membuat kita nagih untuk selalu datang kesana. Mak Nyuss tenan memang !
Abuba Steak
Jl. Cipete Raya no. 6 Cipete
Jakarta Selatan
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Dim Sum
Seperti biasa saya memesan menu favorit Sirloin Steak, sementara suami saya memesan Tenderloin Steak.
Seingat saya terakhir kali makan di Abuba itu sudah sangat lama sekali, sekitar setahun lalu, jadi ketika makanan datang, kami langsung menyantapnya, dan rasa steak-nya masih sama seperti yg dulu, bahkan lebih enak menurut saya. Mak Nyuss sekali rasanya, seperti kata Bondan Winarno.
Daging yang dimasak sudah sangat matang dan dihidangkan dengan pembakaran yang sempurna. Berhubung pelanggan setia, nggak usah minta dibakar seperti apa. Rasanya yah...... memang sangat empuk sekali. Kuah dan bumbu yang disiramkan di atas Steak juga sangat pas di lidah. Dengan sayuran dan kentang yang lumayan banyak, untuk saya Abuba Steak memang tetap cihuy....!!
Satu kelebihan Abuba steak adalah tersedianya berbagai macam saos dan sambal botolan, yang memungkinkan anda untuk meracik sendiri menu saos yang pas untuk steak anda. Jangan lupa ada juga mustard, kecap asin dan kecap manis, lengkap deh semua.
Harganya lumayan nggak mahal lah untuk ukuran steak. Mulai dari Rp. 40.000 hingga Rp. 80.000 untuk daging Amerika, sedang untuk daging lokal hanya sekitar 20 ribu an, harga yang sebanding dengan rasa dan sajian dari sebuah steak.
Yang pasti, di lidah saya sekarang sudah terbayang kembali bumbu dan steak yang saya makan kemarin. Waduh..... Steak Abuba memang selalu membuat kita nagih untuk selalu datang kesana. Mak Nyuss tenan memang !
Abuba Steak
Jl. Cipete Raya no. 6 Cipete
Jakarta Selatan
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Dim Sum
Ha Gao Dim Sum
Dim Sum refers to a type of Chinese meal that serves mostly bite-sized portions pushed around in tin carts by aggressive Chinese ladies who shove food on your table as if you were their long lost sister’s neighbor’s second nephew.
Every once in a while a craze comes along that takes us by storm: Furbies, The Gin Blossoms, dead baby jokes. Each is by now long gone. Along with the Joey Lawrence “Woah” and the waist-tied flannel, the early ’90s is also marked by Boston’s fling with the tapas bar.
For those of you who don’t know, a meal at a tapas bar is an entire Spanish meal made up of many small dishes. Think of an entire meal made up of appetizers. Now, just change the country. Meet the Chinese cousin of tapas: dim sum.
My mom says that back in the day, the emperor wanted everything, and the imperial cooks would search far and wide for the most exotic dishes. But like most men of power, the emperor got greedy, so he wanted a conflagration of many flavors in his mouth with every meal. So each dish had to be small, so he couldn’t get full on a single flavor.
Today’s dim sum is the regular joe’s version of an imperial dining experience. Below, I have listed your most basic of dishes. If the dim sum restaurant doesn’t do the following dishes right, spit on the waiter, make fun of his mother, and march out of the room singing “I’m Too Sexy.” You’ll never be able to return, but who would want to ?
The rough English names are listed, followed parenthetically by an inaccurate but nevertheless affective pseudo-ping ying pronunciation in first Cantonese (because dim sum is from mainland China), then Mandarin (because that’s what I speak).
Har Gao (Ha Gao/Ha Gao) -- my favorite of all dim sum dishes. Unless you dislike shrimp (which makes you dumb) this is for you. Encased in a dumpling-like skin should be two shrimp with tiny pieces of bamboo. This dish is steamed, so the shrimp should be fairly plump (have you ever wondered how to explain the Taiwanese word “kew kew” to a white person?) and can be eaten with soy sauce or, my personal favorite, black vinegar.
Shu Mai (Shiu-Mai/Sau-Mai) -- another standard dumpling-like dish. It is a pork dumpling with an egg/wonton skin. If the restaurant knows what they’re doing, they’ll also garnish each with a slice of sweet pork sausage or maybe hide a piece of shrimp inside. Again, the use of a little soy sauce or black vinegar would not result in stare-downs from the natives.
Pork Spare Ribs (Pai Gwat/Pai Gu) -- tiny little pieces of pork ribs with black bean sauce. This dish is very tame, and also difficult to do wrong (ergo, vis-À-vis, concordantly). If they screw this one up, revisit above for instructions.
Shrimp in Rice Noodles (Cheng Fun/Tsang Fun) -- if you’ve ever had beef chow-fun, it’s that same rice noodle wrapped around pieces of shrimp. The dish also comes with sauce and comes in other varieties, including beef and pork. Hence, the cho fun shouldn’t be super squishy or slimy. Again shrimp should be plump, people. Plump.
Lotus Wrapped Sticky Rice (Gnow Mai Gai/Gnow Mi Gee) -- the name is pretty self-explanatory. Take some sticky rice, wrap it in a lotus leaf, steam, and serve. Inside the sticky rice could be some dried mushrooms, a piece of Chinese sweet sausage, a tiny quail egg, or some pieces of pork.
Sesame Balls (Jin Doie/Tsi Ma Cho) -- dessert. Personally I’m not a big fan, but I can picture myself having pieces of bamboo shoved under my fingernails if I left this out. These sweet sesame shells are filled with either red or green bean paste. The shell should be crunchy on the outside, slightly chewy in the middle, and have the consistency of refried beans on the inside. Americans simply need to learn about the glory that is bean paste.
Egg tarts (Dan Ta/Dan Ta) -- dessert number two. As a little kid I used to take a spoon and only eat out the custard filling. However now I am a firm believer that the flaky crust is just as important. You may want to consider not ordering from the dim sum place and going to a bakery across the street for this one. But if you’re desperate, by all means surrender to the pushy cart-lady. General guideline: they should be the size of a coaster, not a large mushroom. Also, the filling should taste almost like flan.
Steamed BBQ Pork Buns (Cha Siu Bao/Tsa Sau Bau) -- So you know the red colored BBQ pork that’s always served at a Cantonese style restaurant? The white puffy skin should be soft and fluffy, not soggy. If they’re soggy, they’ve been left in the cart too long. Also, be careful to take off the tiny piece of wax paper on the bottom. Some people do forget and end up hating dim sum for some “mysterious reason.”
Remember, these were very basic and tame dishes. Next week, we dive into the realm of more hardcore dim sum. Until then, as Phoebe’s psychiatrist boyfriend “Rodge” once said, “easy on those cookies, OK? Remember they’re just food, they’re not love.”
Source :Mark Y. Liao-/
See also:
Every once in a while a craze comes along that takes us by storm: Furbies, The Gin Blossoms, dead baby jokes. Each is by now long gone. Along with the Joey Lawrence “Woah” and the waist-tied flannel, the early ’90s is also marked by Boston’s fling with the tapas bar.
For those of you who don’t know, a meal at a tapas bar is an entire Spanish meal made up of many small dishes. Think of an entire meal made up of appetizers. Now, just change the country. Meet the Chinese cousin of tapas: dim sum.
My mom says that back in the day, the emperor wanted everything, and the imperial cooks would search far and wide for the most exotic dishes. But like most men of power, the emperor got greedy, so he wanted a conflagration of many flavors in his mouth with every meal. So each dish had to be small, so he couldn’t get full on a single flavor.
Today’s dim sum is the regular joe’s version of an imperial dining experience. Below, I have listed your most basic of dishes. If the dim sum restaurant doesn’t do the following dishes right, spit on the waiter, make fun of his mother, and march out of the room singing “I’m Too Sexy.” You’ll never be able to return, but who would want to ?
The rough English names are listed, followed parenthetically by an inaccurate but nevertheless affective pseudo-ping ying pronunciation in first Cantonese (because dim sum is from mainland China), then Mandarin (because that’s what I speak).
Har Gao (Ha Gao/Ha Gao) -- my favorite of all dim sum dishes. Unless you dislike shrimp (which makes you dumb) this is for you. Encased in a dumpling-like skin should be two shrimp with tiny pieces of bamboo. This dish is steamed, so the shrimp should be fairly plump (have you ever wondered how to explain the Taiwanese word “kew kew” to a white person?) and can be eaten with soy sauce or, my personal favorite, black vinegar.
Shu Mai (Shiu-Mai/Sau-Mai) -- another standard dumpling-like dish. It is a pork dumpling with an egg/wonton skin. If the restaurant knows what they’re doing, they’ll also garnish each with a slice of sweet pork sausage or maybe hide a piece of shrimp inside. Again, the use of a little soy sauce or black vinegar would not result in stare-downs from the natives.
Pork Spare Ribs (Pai Gwat/Pai Gu) -- tiny little pieces of pork ribs with black bean sauce. This dish is very tame, and also difficult to do wrong (ergo, vis-À-vis, concordantly). If they screw this one up, revisit above for instructions.
Shrimp in Rice Noodles (Cheng Fun/Tsang Fun) -- if you’ve ever had beef chow-fun, it’s that same rice noodle wrapped around pieces of shrimp. The dish also comes with sauce and comes in other varieties, including beef and pork. Hence, the cho fun shouldn’t be super squishy or slimy. Again shrimp should be plump, people. Plump.
Lotus Wrapped Sticky Rice (Gnow Mai Gai/Gnow Mi Gee) -- the name is pretty self-explanatory. Take some sticky rice, wrap it in a lotus leaf, steam, and serve. Inside the sticky rice could be some dried mushrooms, a piece of Chinese sweet sausage, a tiny quail egg, or some pieces of pork.
Sesame Balls (Jin Doie/Tsi Ma Cho) -- dessert. Personally I’m not a big fan, but I can picture myself having pieces of bamboo shoved under my fingernails if I left this out. These sweet sesame shells are filled with either red or green bean paste. The shell should be crunchy on the outside, slightly chewy in the middle, and have the consistency of refried beans on the inside. Americans simply need to learn about the glory that is bean paste.
Egg tarts (Dan Ta/Dan Ta) -- dessert number two. As a little kid I used to take a spoon and only eat out the custard filling. However now I am a firm believer that the flaky crust is just as important. You may want to consider not ordering from the dim sum place and going to a bakery across the street for this one. But if you’re desperate, by all means surrender to the pushy cart-lady. General guideline: they should be the size of a coaster, not a large mushroom. Also, the filling should taste almost like flan.
Steamed BBQ Pork Buns (Cha Siu Bao/Tsa Sau Bau) -- So you know the red colored BBQ pork that’s always served at a Cantonese style restaurant? The white puffy skin should be soft and fluffy, not soggy. If they’re soggy, they’ve been left in the cart too long. Also, be careful to take off the tiny piece of wax paper on the bottom. Some people do forget and end up hating dim sum for some “mysterious reason.”
Remember, these were very basic and tame dishes. Next week, we dive into the realm of more hardcore dim sum. Until then, as Phoebe’s psychiatrist boyfriend “Rodge” once said, “easy on those cookies, OK? Remember they’re just food, they’re not love.”
Source :Mark Y. Liao-/
See also:
Sate Kambing Jantan
Selalu ada banyak alasan untuk kangen dengan hidangan Sate kambing jantan jalan Kedung Doro Surabaya. Tapi kok namanya sate kambing jantan ? apa gak cukup dengan sate kambing aja ? hehehe namanya juga tukang tembak kata kunci, jadi sayang kalau postingan gak berbau keyword populer. Ok deh lanjut seputar sate kambing jantan yang terkenal di jalan Kedung Doro Surabaya.
Depot ini ramai diserbu para penikmat sate kambing karena kualitas daging sate yang mamang sangat baik. Murni daging yang tidak bercampur dengan lemak. Karena itu tidak heran jika dari awal buka hingga tutup jam 02.00 depot ini selalu saja ramai pengunjung dan rata-rata yang datang membawa mobil pribadi. Memang ada sisi negatif dengan ramainya pengunjung didepot itu jika banyak mobil yang berdatangan karena memang wilayah Kedung Doro tidak menyediakan parkir khusus untuk itu namanya juga warung pinggir jalan.
Harga yang dipatok pun bisa terjangkau semua kalangan. Per 10 tusuk sate cukup mengeluarkan uang 15 rb. Jadi untuk sekedar makan rutin tiap awal bulan pas gajian tiba masih sangat mungkin untuk dilakukan. Sate Kambing jantan Kedung Doro memang sudah terkenal sejak lama. Banyak pengunjung yang datang dari luar kota pada akhir pekan hanya khusus sekedar mencicipi resep masakan sate kambing jantan di kedung doro. Namun ada 'gangguan kecil' yang masih saja terus hadir atau sudah menjadi trade mark bahwa kita harus banyak menyediakan uang recehan untuk pengamen-pengamen yang banyak sekali berdatangan disela-sela kita menikmati kelezatan sate kambing jantan. Sebagai gambaran, dalam waktu 1/2 jam mungkin ada sekitar 5-10 pengamen yang datang dan pergi menyapa kita dengan suara dan alat musik apa adanya.
Namun itulah gambaran wajah kota Surabaya dimalam hari khususnya dijalan Kedung Doro. Toh para pengamen juga manusia yang butuh untuk makan dan diperhatikan. BTW untuk anda yang ingin menikmati kelezatan sate kambing jantan atau sedang ber wisata ke Surabaya, maka depot sate kambing Kedung Doro bisa menjadi referensi resep masakan yang ok punya.
Sumber : topikremaja
Lihat juga:
Burger King
Depot ini ramai diserbu para penikmat sate kambing karena kualitas daging sate yang mamang sangat baik. Murni daging yang tidak bercampur dengan lemak. Karena itu tidak heran jika dari awal buka hingga tutup jam 02.00 depot ini selalu saja ramai pengunjung dan rata-rata yang datang membawa mobil pribadi. Memang ada sisi negatif dengan ramainya pengunjung didepot itu jika banyak mobil yang berdatangan karena memang wilayah Kedung Doro tidak menyediakan parkir khusus untuk itu namanya juga warung pinggir jalan.
Harga yang dipatok pun bisa terjangkau semua kalangan. Per 10 tusuk sate cukup mengeluarkan uang 15 rb. Jadi untuk sekedar makan rutin tiap awal bulan pas gajian tiba masih sangat mungkin untuk dilakukan. Sate Kambing jantan Kedung Doro memang sudah terkenal sejak lama. Banyak pengunjung yang datang dari luar kota pada akhir pekan hanya khusus sekedar mencicipi resep masakan sate kambing jantan di kedung doro. Namun ada 'gangguan kecil' yang masih saja terus hadir atau sudah menjadi trade mark bahwa kita harus banyak menyediakan uang recehan untuk pengamen-pengamen yang banyak sekali berdatangan disela-sela kita menikmati kelezatan sate kambing jantan. Sebagai gambaran, dalam waktu 1/2 jam mungkin ada sekitar 5-10 pengamen yang datang dan pergi menyapa kita dengan suara dan alat musik apa adanya.
Namun itulah gambaran wajah kota Surabaya dimalam hari khususnya dijalan Kedung Doro. Toh para pengamen juga manusia yang butuh untuk makan dan diperhatikan. BTW untuk anda yang ingin menikmati kelezatan sate kambing jantan atau sedang ber wisata ke Surabaya, maka depot sate kambing Kedung Doro bisa menjadi referensi resep masakan yang ok punya.
Sumber : topikremaja
Lihat juga:
Burger King
Soto with Duck Meat
Bored with chicken Soto, does not hurt to try other new menu. Perhaps the duck soup could be a new menu which is obliged to eat.
If not, and curious, just come to the Center Culinary Indrapura Indrapura Street, Surabaya. Of the dozens of stands that are there, just go to Soto-managed Dewey Duck and Sufriyah Muafi couples.
Duck soup is served separately in 3 containers. A bowl of soup, a plate of rice cake and a mortar containing lime and chili slices. From appearances, it briefly looked like a duck soup with curry gravy orange turbid, in contrast with most of the soup broth yellow nodes.
Once eaten, Hmmmmm ... feeling fishy and tough from duck meat would disappear instantly. The meat was tender and there was absolutely no fishy taste. Seasonings rempahnya really fresh burst in
Spicy flavor of chili sliced very fine and so delicious, evenly offset the delicious broth soup. Rice cake on a plate would be demolished in an instant. Following tradition, it is recommended rice cake soup eaten with duck, of course, in addition to rice which is also provided. A serving of duck soup valued USD 10 thousand. If you want to add offal, also added money to Rp 7,500.
Muafi bit shared secret recipe duck soup. In general, the same as duck soup seasoning soup in general. The difference is kaldunya. The broth itself is a recipe handed down from grandmother of the wife's family, Sufriyah. The recipe had died 15 years before revived by Sufriyah. Previously, in Bangkalan, Madura, Sufriyah grandmother had open stalls duck soup.
Since no one is to continue the business plus grandmother who had advanced age, the shop is closed. Seeing no business opportunity, direct Muafi rented a booth in the center of Culinary Indrapura.
Together with his wife, father of 3 children were trying to revive the duck soup. According to a survey conducted Muafi, there is no duck soup in Surabaya, East Java and even. Even if there is, recipes and ingredients will be different.
"This was a recipe from my wife's grandmother. Now I go again," he said while talking to, Monday (10/25/2010). (IWD / wln)
Source: Imam Wahyudiyanta - detikSurabaya
See also:
Dim Sum
If not, and curious, just come to the Center Culinary Indrapura Indrapura Street, Surabaya. Of the dozens of stands that are there, just go to Soto-managed Dewey Duck and Sufriyah Muafi couples.
Duck soup is served separately in 3 containers. A bowl of soup, a plate of rice cake and a mortar containing lime and chili slices. From appearances, it briefly looked like a duck soup with curry gravy orange turbid, in contrast with most of the soup broth yellow nodes.
Once eaten, Hmmmmm ... feeling fishy and tough from duck meat would disappear instantly. The meat was tender and there was absolutely no fishy taste. Seasonings rempahnya really fresh burst in
Spicy flavor of chili sliced very fine and so delicious, evenly offset the delicious broth soup. Rice cake on a plate would be demolished in an instant. Following tradition, it is recommended rice cake soup eaten with duck, of course, in addition to rice which is also provided. A serving of duck soup valued USD 10 thousand. If you want to add offal, also added money to Rp 7,500.
Muafi bit shared secret recipe duck soup. In general, the same as duck soup seasoning soup in general. The difference is kaldunya. The broth itself is a recipe handed down from grandmother of the wife's family, Sufriyah. The recipe had died 15 years before revived by Sufriyah. Previously, in Bangkalan, Madura, Sufriyah grandmother had open stalls duck soup.
Since no one is to continue the business plus grandmother who had advanced age, the shop is closed. Seeing no business opportunity, direct Muafi rented a booth in the center of Culinary Indrapura.
Together with his wife, father of 3 children were trying to revive the duck soup. According to a survey conducted Muafi, there is no duck soup in Surabaya, East Java and even. Even if there is, recipes and ingredients will be different.
"This was a recipe from my wife's grandmother. Now I go again," he said while talking to, Monday (10/25/2010). (IWD / wln)
Source: Imam Wahyudiyanta - detikSurabaya
See also:
Dim Sum
Minggu, 28 November 2010
Two Types of Wine Delicious
Wine has two main types, namely red wine (red wine) and white wine (white wine). Both types of wine come from the type of grape used. The color of wine is not like the color of grape juice that looks more clear. The quality of drinks wine color is also determined a few other things.
Determine the color of wine fermentation. Although red wine from red grapes, red wine obtained from a process called soaking (maceration). Red wine from red grapes or black grapes. Hundreds of types of grapes to produce wines of different kinds of beverages as well.
Types of grapes so affect the taste of wine produced. White wine can be fermented from grapes type of color, from dark-colored wine until pink.
One of the most famous type of wine is cabaret sauvignon. Wine Cabaret sauvignon comes from the region of Bordeaux, France that produces red wine. Red wine is also another famous wine is Merlot.
There are several types of wine with the taste of chocolate and cherry. Grenache Wine become the kind of red wine that other famous Burgundy region of France. Grenache has the basic ingredients raspberries, mint and black cherry. Another famous type of wine is a Zinfandel that is made in Europe but most of the crops grown in California, Anerika States.
Type the famous white wine is Chardonnay. Wine contains a mixture of vanilla and a little fruit. California produces kinds of white wine Chenin Blancs. Chenin Blancs are a cheaper alternative than Chardonnay. Chenin Blancs contains apples and other spices. Other types of white wine is Pinot Gris. Pinot Gris from Oregon and the rich aroma of spices. White wine Riesling from Germany has the aroma of fruit.
White Zinfandel wine, a type of wine with a sweet taste of California. White Zinfandel Zinfandel red wines are processed from the peeled skin.
Source: Petti Lubis,Anda Nurlaila -
See also:
Dim Sum
Determine the color of wine fermentation. Although red wine from red grapes, red wine obtained from a process called soaking (maceration). Red wine from red grapes or black grapes. Hundreds of types of grapes to produce wines of different kinds of beverages as well.
Types of grapes so affect the taste of wine produced. White wine can be fermented from grapes type of color, from dark-colored wine until pink.
One of the most famous type of wine is cabaret sauvignon. Wine Cabaret sauvignon comes from the region of Bordeaux, France that produces red wine. Red wine is also another famous wine is Merlot.
There are several types of wine with the taste of chocolate and cherry. Grenache Wine become the kind of red wine that other famous Burgundy region of France. Grenache has the basic ingredients raspberries, mint and black cherry. Another famous type of wine is a Zinfandel that is made in Europe but most of the crops grown in California, Anerika States.
Type the famous white wine is Chardonnay. Wine contains a mixture of vanilla and a little fruit. California produces kinds of white wine Chenin Blancs. Chenin Blancs are a cheaper alternative than Chardonnay. Chenin Blancs contains apples and other spices. Other types of white wine is Pinot Gris. Pinot Gris from Oregon and the rich aroma of spices. White wine Riesling from Germany has the aroma of fruit.
White Zinfandel wine, a type of wine with a sweet taste of California. White Zinfandel Zinfandel red wines are processed from the peeled skin.
Source: Petti Lubis,Anda Nurlaila -
See also:
Dim Sum
Wine dari Swiss
Wine - Publik di Indonesia selama ini lebih melihat Swiss sebagai pusat layanan perbankan yang prestisius, pegunungannya yang indah, dan cokelat yang menggiurkan. Negara di jantung bagian barat Eropa ini ternyata juga dikenal sebagai produsen arak anggur (wine) yang terkemuka.
Wine asal Swiss memang kalah pamor dari Prancis, yang populer dengan julukan "Negeri Anggur." Namun kualitas arak anggur asal Negeri Alpen itu tidak kalah prestisius dengan yang buatan Prancis.
Pembuktian itu berlangsung dalam suatu jamuan mencicipi arak anggur (wine tasting) di Jakarta, Kamis 25 Maret 2010. Bertempat di Restoran "Marche," Kedutaan Besar Swiss ingin membuktikan kepada publik bahwa wine buatan mereka juga berkualitas tinggi.
Menurut Duta Besar Swiss, Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn, wine buatan negaranya telah populer di manca negara dan itu coba dipopulerkan bagi kalangan penggemar wine di Indonesia. Maka, Kedubes Swiss mengundang seorang pakar wine dari negeri mereka, Bernard Bovy.
Bovy adalah ketua Yayasan Lavaux, nama suatu daerah yang dikenal sebagai produsen anggur terkemuka di Swiss. "Lavaux merupakan suatu wilayah yang dikenal sebagai kawasan perkebunan anggur. Memiliki luas sekitar 800 hektar, Lavaux mulai ditanami anggur oleh para biarawan setempat pada abad ke-11. Sejak saat itu wilayah ini mengandalkan anggur sebagai sumber pendapatan," kata Bovy.
Pemerintah Swiss melindungi Lavaux - yang terdiri dari 14 desa dan kota kecil - khusus sebagai wilayah perkebunan anggur dan lahannya tidak boleh dialihfungsikan untuk pembangunan properti.
"Lavaux sejak 2007 mendapat perlindungan dari PBB dan dinyatakan sebagai Situs Warisan Bersejarah versi UNESCO [Badan PBB urusan Kebudayaan]," kata Bovy saat memberikan penjelasan dalam Bahasa Prancis yang selanjutnya diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris.
Ke Jakarta, Bovy memperkenalkan lima jenis wine produksi Lavaux. Tiga adalah arak anggur putih jenis Epesses, St-Saphorin Vielles Vignes, dan Dezaley Grand Cru. Sedangkan dua wine lainnya adalah anggur merah (red wine) - masing-masing jenis Les Adrets St-Saphorin dan Pinot Noir St-Saphorin.
VIVAnews diberi kesempatan untuk mencicipi kelima jenis wine asal Swiss itu. Secara keseluruhan, arak-arak tersebut memiliki kualitas yang tinggi, terbukti dengan aroma yang kuat walau hanya dituang sedikit ke dalam gelas khusus dan memiliki rasa yang tidak terlalu asam.
Menurut Bovy, kalangan awam pasti menilai bahwa arak-arak itu tidak memiliki rasa yang berbeda. "Tapi para penikmat wine yang sejati bisa membedakan aroma dan rasa wine, mana yang punya kualitas unik dan mana yang biasa saja," kata Bovy.
Dia memberi contoh dua tipe wine merah yang berbeda. "Les Adrets St-Saphorin dan Pinot Noir St-Saphorin memiliki aroma dan rasa yang khas. Tipe yang disebut terakhir memiliki aroma yang lebih kuat dan beraroma buah beri," kata Bovy.
Sumber :
Lihat juga:
Dim Sum
Wine asal Swiss memang kalah pamor dari Prancis, yang populer dengan julukan "Negeri Anggur." Namun kualitas arak anggur asal Negeri Alpen itu tidak kalah prestisius dengan yang buatan Prancis.
Pembuktian itu berlangsung dalam suatu jamuan mencicipi arak anggur (wine tasting) di Jakarta, Kamis 25 Maret 2010. Bertempat di Restoran "Marche," Kedutaan Besar Swiss ingin membuktikan kepada publik bahwa wine buatan mereka juga berkualitas tinggi.
Menurut Duta Besar Swiss, Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn, wine buatan negaranya telah populer di manca negara dan itu coba dipopulerkan bagi kalangan penggemar wine di Indonesia. Maka, Kedubes Swiss mengundang seorang pakar wine dari negeri mereka, Bernard Bovy.
Bovy adalah ketua Yayasan Lavaux, nama suatu daerah yang dikenal sebagai produsen anggur terkemuka di Swiss. "Lavaux merupakan suatu wilayah yang dikenal sebagai kawasan perkebunan anggur. Memiliki luas sekitar 800 hektar, Lavaux mulai ditanami anggur oleh para biarawan setempat pada abad ke-11. Sejak saat itu wilayah ini mengandalkan anggur sebagai sumber pendapatan," kata Bovy.
Pemerintah Swiss melindungi Lavaux - yang terdiri dari 14 desa dan kota kecil - khusus sebagai wilayah perkebunan anggur dan lahannya tidak boleh dialihfungsikan untuk pembangunan properti.
"Lavaux sejak 2007 mendapat perlindungan dari PBB dan dinyatakan sebagai Situs Warisan Bersejarah versi UNESCO [Badan PBB urusan Kebudayaan]," kata Bovy saat memberikan penjelasan dalam Bahasa Prancis yang selanjutnya diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris.
Ke Jakarta, Bovy memperkenalkan lima jenis wine produksi Lavaux. Tiga adalah arak anggur putih jenis Epesses, St-Saphorin Vielles Vignes, dan Dezaley Grand Cru. Sedangkan dua wine lainnya adalah anggur merah (red wine) - masing-masing jenis Les Adrets St-Saphorin dan Pinot Noir St-Saphorin.
VIVAnews diberi kesempatan untuk mencicipi kelima jenis wine asal Swiss itu. Secara keseluruhan, arak-arak tersebut memiliki kualitas yang tinggi, terbukti dengan aroma yang kuat walau hanya dituang sedikit ke dalam gelas khusus dan memiliki rasa yang tidak terlalu asam.
Menurut Bovy, kalangan awam pasti menilai bahwa arak-arak itu tidak memiliki rasa yang berbeda. "Tapi para penikmat wine yang sejati bisa membedakan aroma dan rasa wine, mana yang punya kualitas unik dan mana yang biasa saja," kata Bovy.
Dia memberi contoh dua tipe wine merah yang berbeda. "Les Adrets St-Saphorin dan Pinot Noir St-Saphorin memiliki aroma dan rasa yang khas. Tipe yang disebut terakhir memiliki aroma yang lebih kuat dan beraroma buah beri," kata Bovy.
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Lihat juga:
Dim Sum
Bisnis Sate
Terdapat aneka ragam Sate dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Antara lain sate ayam dan sate kambing. Sate ayam dan sate kambing dapat dinikmati dengan dua jenis bumbu, yaitu bumbu kacang dan bumbu kecap.
Sate ayam dan sate kambing biasanya dijual bersama sup atau gulai kambing, yang dibuat dengan menggunakan campuran tulang dan daging kambing yang tidak dijadikan sate.
Daging kambing yang digunakan untuk sate biasanya bagian paha karena bagian lebih empuk sehingga lebih enak. Pengolahan daging kambing harus hati-hati agar sate tidak keras. Sebelum dipanggang, daging kambing sebaiknya dibungkus menggunakan daun pepaya agar lebih lunak. Daging kambing muda juga lebih lunak dibandingkan dengan daging kambing tua. Kisaran umur kambing muda yang bagus untuk sate kambing adalah 3-5 bulan.
Pedagang sate dapat berjualan di pinggir jalan raya di dekat pasar, perkantoran, perumahan, atau daerah sekitar kampus. Biasanya antar pedagang sate memiliki aturan bahwa untuk wilayah tertentu hanya ada satu pedagang. Jadi, perhatikan daerah sekitar lokasi sebelum memutuskan berjualan di suatu tempat agar tidak saling merugikan.
Perlengkapan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan usaha sate antara lain gerobak, tenda, meja, kursi, panggangan sate, pisau, dan kipas bambu. Perlengkapan makan berupa piring, gelas, mangkuk (jika menjual sup atau gulai kambing), sendok, dan garpu.
Tenda bisa dibuat berukuran kecil atau sedang tergantung ukuran tempat dan tingkat keramaian pengunjung. Meja kayu dapat dibuat 1-2 buah dengan kursi 6-10 buah.
Pemilik usaha dapat turun tangan sendiri atau mempekerjakan karyawan. Karyawan bertugas melayani pesanan pembeli atau membakar sate. Karyawan sebaiknya dilatih terlebih dahulu cara membakar sate agar mengetahui tingkat kematangan daging secara tepat.
Promosi dapat dilakukan dengan membuat spanduk bertuliskan jenis usaha yang dipasang mengelilingi tenda atau gerobak. Spanduk dapat dilengkapi gambar atau foto sate yang menarik sehingga dapat mendatangkan pengunjung. Promosi lanjutan dapat dilakukan dengan membuat brosur, terutama jika melayani pesan antar (delivery order), melayani pesanan sate dan kambing guling untuk akikah, pernikahan, dan ulang tahun.
Harga satu porsi sate kambing Rp 10.000,- s/d Rp 12.000,-. Satu porsi biasanya berisi 10 tusuk. Harga satu porsi sate ayam lebih murah, yaitu Rp 8.000,- s/d Rp 10.000,- berisi 10 tusuk. Harga tersebut belum termasuk lontong atau nasi. Harga lontong dan nasi sekitar Rp 2.000,- per porsi. Sementara harga sup atau gulai kambing sekitar Rp 7.000,- per porsi.
Resiko usaha sate antara lain banyaknya penjual makanan sejenis. Kualitas dan harga yang ditawarkan antar pedagang sangat bervariasi sehingga pemain baru harus bisa mencari celah agar dapat bersaing.
Beberapa tip dan trik usaha sate :
1. Menjaga kualitas dan rasa dengan cara antara lain bumbunya yang lezat dan dagingnya yang empuk (untuk sate kambing). Sate kambing yang empuk secara tidak langsung dapat memperluas pangsa pasar, karena mulai anak-anak hingga orang dewasa dapat memakannya dengan mudah.
2. Lokasi yang ramai tidak selalu berpotensi sebagai tempat usaha sate. Pangsa pasar makanan ini bisa dibilang menengah ke atas. Penyebabnya harga satu porsi sate dianggap cukup mahal bagi sebagian orang. Lokasi dekat perkantoran, perumahan, pusat jajanan atau perbelanjaan merupakan beberapa contoh strategis tempat usaha sate.
3. Menjalin kerjasama dengan supplier juga sangat penting. Pada saat tertentu misalnya hari besar agama, harga daging kambing meningkat karena banyaknya permintaan. Menjalin kerjasama dengan rumah potong hewan atau peternak kambing akan meminimalisir resiko kekurangan bahan baku atau kenaikan harga yang terlalu tinggi.
Sumber :
Lihat juga:
Burger King
Sate ayam dan sate kambing biasanya dijual bersama sup atau gulai kambing, yang dibuat dengan menggunakan campuran tulang dan daging kambing yang tidak dijadikan sate.
Daging kambing yang digunakan untuk sate biasanya bagian paha karena bagian lebih empuk sehingga lebih enak. Pengolahan daging kambing harus hati-hati agar sate tidak keras. Sebelum dipanggang, daging kambing sebaiknya dibungkus menggunakan daun pepaya agar lebih lunak. Daging kambing muda juga lebih lunak dibandingkan dengan daging kambing tua. Kisaran umur kambing muda yang bagus untuk sate kambing adalah 3-5 bulan.
Pedagang sate dapat berjualan di pinggir jalan raya di dekat pasar, perkantoran, perumahan, atau daerah sekitar kampus. Biasanya antar pedagang sate memiliki aturan bahwa untuk wilayah tertentu hanya ada satu pedagang. Jadi, perhatikan daerah sekitar lokasi sebelum memutuskan berjualan di suatu tempat agar tidak saling merugikan.
Perlengkapan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan usaha sate antara lain gerobak, tenda, meja, kursi, panggangan sate, pisau, dan kipas bambu. Perlengkapan makan berupa piring, gelas, mangkuk (jika menjual sup atau gulai kambing), sendok, dan garpu.
Tenda bisa dibuat berukuran kecil atau sedang tergantung ukuran tempat dan tingkat keramaian pengunjung. Meja kayu dapat dibuat 1-2 buah dengan kursi 6-10 buah.
Pemilik usaha dapat turun tangan sendiri atau mempekerjakan karyawan. Karyawan bertugas melayani pesanan pembeli atau membakar sate. Karyawan sebaiknya dilatih terlebih dahulu cara membakar sate agar mengetahui tingkat kematangan daging secara tepat.
Promosi dapat dilakukan dengan membuat spanduk bertuliskan jenis usaha yang dipasang mengelilingi tenda atau gerobak. Spanduk dapat dilengkapi gambar atau foto sate yang menarik sehingga dapat mendatangkan pengunjung. Promosi lanjutan dapat dilakukan dengan membuat brosur, terutama jika melayani pesan antar (delivery order), melayani pesanan sate dan kambing guling untuk akikah, pernikahan, dan ulang tahun.
Harga satu porsi sate kambing Rp 10.000,- s/d Rp 12.000,-. Satu porsi biasanya berisi 10 tusuk. Harga satu porsi sate ayam lebih murah, yaitu Rp 8.000,- s/d Rp 10.000,- berisi 10 tusuk. Harga tersebut belum termasuk lontong atau nasi. Harga lontong dan nasi sekitar Rp 2.000,- per porsi. Sementara harga sup atau gulai kambing sekitar Rp 7.000,- per porsi.
Resiko usaha sate antara lain banyaknya penjual makanan sejenis. Kualitas dan harga yang ditawarkan antar pedagang sangat bervariasi sehingga pemain baru harus bisa mencari celah agar dapat bersaing.
Beberapa tip dan trik usaha sate :
1. Menjaga kualitas dan rasa dengan cara antara lain bumbunya yang lezat dan dagingnya yang empuk (untuk sate kambing). Sate kambing yang empuk secara tidak langsung dapat memperluas pangsa pasar, karena mulai anak-anak hingga orang dewasa dapat memakannya dengan mudah.
2. Lokasi yang ramai tidak selalu berpotensi sebagai tempat usaha sate. Pangsa pasar makanan ini bisa dibilang menengah ke atas. Penyebabnya harga satu porsi sate dianggap cukup mahal bagi sebagian orang. Lokasi dekat perkantoran, perumahan, pusat jajanan atau perbelanjaan merupakan beberapa contoh strategis tempat usaha sate.
3. Menjalin kerjasama dengan supplier juga sangat penting. Pada saat tertentu misalnya hari besar agama, harga daging kambing meningkat karena banyaknya permintaan. Menjalin kerjasama dengan rumah potong hewan atau peternak kambing akan meminimalisir resiko kekurangan bahan baku atau kenaikan harga yang terlalu tinggi.
Sumber :
Lihat juga:
Burger King
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Wine and Skin Radiation
Wine - Cancer patients who will undergo radiation therapy may need to take a sip of wine (Wine) before doing the treatment. Because, according to a study in women with breast cancer found that drinking wine can help to limit the toxic effects of radiation on the skin.
Known, some components of wine can protect against the harmful effects of radiation. These components include polyphenols and tannins.
In this study, Dr Gabriella Macchia, from Catholic University, Campobasso, Italy, and colleagues examined the protective effect of wine consumption of 348 women who underwent radiation therapy after breast cancer surgery. Risk of suffering toxic effects from radiation were to reach 38.4 per cent of them do not drink wine, amounting to 31.8 percent in women who drank half a glass every day, and 13.6 percent in the drinker one glass of wine a day, and 35 percent on their who drank two glasses each day.
Researchers found that women who drank only one glass of wine a day had a much lower risk of suffering from the effects of radiation therapy. In particular, they risk exposure to toxins the skin from radiation around 75 percent less than those not drinking.
Source: -
Known, some components of wine can protect against the harmful effects of radiation. These components include polyphenols and tannins.
In this study, Dr Gabriella Macchia, from Catholic University, Campobasso, Italy, and colleagues examined the protective effect of wine consumption of 348 women who underwent radiation therapy after breast cancer surgery. Risk of suffering toxic effects from radiation were to reach 38.4 per cent of them do not drink wine, amounting to 31.8 percent in women who drank half a glass every day, and 13.6 percent in the drinker one glass of wine a day, and 35 percent on their who drank two glasses each day.
Researchers found that women who drank only one glass of wine a day had a much lower risk of suffering from the effects of radiation therapy. In particular, they risk exposure to toxins the skin from radiation around 75 percent less than those not drinking.
Source: -
Kamis, 25 November 2010
Ice cream Toko Oen at Semarang
Ice cream - Calling culinary tour of Semarang, surely Toko Oen Youth who are on the road into the earliest restaurants mentioned. Stores that have survived three generations, with the typical presenting its flagship menu or taste the material preserved from generation to generation and believed it was never changed from the first.
Toko Oen, Semarang stood since 1933, current owner Yenni Kalalo represents the third generation of the store. The concept of this one was a typical restaurant, with its ancient buildings. Even if there is a refresher course on the interior.
Toko Oen, Semarang like icons, all tourists, especially from the Netherlands who visited Semarang always stop for a moment into this store.
Currently Toko Oen is no longer synonymous with parents, when we arrived and wanted to enjoy the food at the restaurant there are some young kids come in the restaurant founded by Liem Gien Nio, wife of Oen Hok Tjoen it.
Most of these young people come to enjoy a variety of ice cream in Toko Oen, according Antok Liem Oen ice cream shop manager of the most popular ice cream Oen Simphony and Tutty Fruity.
Both Ice cream is served with a very unique shape, to Oen Simphony is a game of color in the presentation of chocolate ice cream flavor is placed at the bottom, the next level there is a sense of vanilla ice cream, and do not miss bread cat tongue.
Even more interesting was making ice cream recipe is the same as when Toko Oen stand, Antok reveals recipes made since the first generation was deliberately maintained to keep the flavor Ice cream.
"It was never tested for several materials maker Ice cream is reduced, the resulting flavor was very different. So that to this day by the next generation Toko Oen still using the old Ice cream recipes without reducing the bit composition of the author," said Antok.
Ice cream recipes that have survived decades of it was indeed very enjoyable, its melted ice cream and soft in the mouth. To think of eIce cream itself is very delicious, of course Ice cream Oen Simphony worth Rp 17,500 is not expensive and well worth the flavor ice cream itself.
Antok add enjoy ice cream at Toko Oen is very enjoyable if interspersed nyemil some typical bread made STORES Oen like kaastengel (dry cheese cake) and kattetonge (cat's tongue cookies). (Wisanggeni/CN13)
See also:
Toko Oen, Semarang stood since 1933, current owner Yenni Kalalo represents the third generation of the store. The concept of this one was a typical restaurant, with its ancient buildings. Even if there is a refresher course on the interior.
Toko Oen, Semarang like icons, all tourists, especially from the Netherlands who visited Semarang always stop for a moment into this store.
Currently Toko Oen is no longer synonymous with parents, when we arrived and wanted to enjoy the food at the restaurant there are some young kids come in the restaurant founded by Liem Gien Nio, wife of Oen Hok Tjoen it.
Most of these young people come to enjoy a variety of ice cream in Toko Oen, according Antok Liem Oen ice cream shop manager of the most popular ice cream Oen Simphony and Tutty Fruity.
Both Ice cream is served with a very unique shape, to Oen Simphony is a game of color in the presentation of chocolate ice cream flavor is placed at the bottom, the next level there is a sense of vanilla ice cream, and do not miss bread cat tongue.
Even more interesting was making ice cream recipe is the same as when Toko Oen stand, Antok reveals recipes made since the first generation was deliberately maintained to keep the flavor Ice cream.
"It was never tested for several materials maker Ice cream is reduced, the resulting flavor was very different. So that to this day by the next generation Toko Oen still using the old Ice cream recipes without reducing the bit composition of the author," said Antok.
Ice cream recipes that have survived decades of it was indeed very enjoyable, its melted ice cream and soft in the mouth. To think of eIce cream itself is very delicious, of course Ice cream Oen Simphony worth Rp 17,500 is not expensive and well worth the flavor ice cream itself.
Antok add enjoy ice cream at Toko Oen is very enjoyable if interspersed nyemil some typical bread made STORES Oen like kaastengel (dry cheese cake) and kattetonge (cat's tongue cookies). (Wisanggeni/CN13)
See also:
Sate Kilogram SMS with Tegal Style
Sate kilogram SMS takes flavor to the menu-style recipes Sate Tegal Goat and Other recipes to the menu such as prescription Tongseng Tongseng Goat and Chicken recipe using spices Solo-style recipes.
"The restaurant is a blend of cuisine Tegal and Solo", said Lina. Dar ¡kilogram Sate building designs also have a typical SMS. Ornaments and knick-knacks hut village typical combined-matching to be an attractive decoration. Historically, satay stall kilogram Ujang pioneered by Nasir, a resident of Babakan, Madang, Bogor, West Java. Called satay kilogram, because buyers do not buy tu ¡sate based jumiah satenya prick, but how much weight kilo.
Despite its name Sate Kambing, but the menu is served restaurant recipe is made dar ¡mutton, goat meat is not dar ¡. Reason Lina because lamb has a finer fiber than goat meat. Also the smell of mutton is also more friendly than meat goat's More prengus.
If you want menikrnati Sate Kambing in sin ¡, meat goats will be weighed first to order. For a quarter kilograms of satay, a 12-pin, you can simply spend Rp 38 thousand dollars. As for the one kilogram was pegged at Rp 152 thousand dollars. You can also buy the portion sizes, ¡the 10 sticks of USD 32 thousand. So very flexible.
Compared to processed meat goat, the color of his Sate cokiat not blackish like Sate in general but reddish brown. Seasoning recipe is complementary pieces of tomato, green chili, red onion, fried onions, soy sauce and a little spray. ¡Ni complementary seasoning recipe with seasoning recipe which used complementary to the recipe Sate Tegal, which is a mixture of soy sauce recipe red onion, tomato, chilli, soy sauce and do not miss.
Reddish brown color is produced dar ¡spread a little margarine and soy sauce while the meat was burned so that the meat does not easily burn. Membakarannya process using coconut shell charcoal, burning embers so much longer and not offering a lot of dust. The meat was so soft because of the sheep used oieh this restaurant is a sheep aged between 7-10 months. Mutton part used is not specified must dar ¡thigh or chest.
What is unique is the additional samin oil that is applied after the combustion process Sate. Additional samin oil makes sense Satay with savory blend gurihnya margarine. "Nita was deliberately using oil samin to Satay more tasty," said Lina.
Her recipes taste really fit, there is the sensation of sweet taste dar ¡Sate Solo recipes with savory sensation samin oil. In closing setequk Sweet Orange Ice is very refreshing. In addition there are options and Softdrink juice. Assorted fruit juice used as a form of star fruit, oranges, mango, avocado, guava, tomato, juice combination dar ¡serte mix some fruit. The range of food price first dar ¡¡Rp 16 thousand to USD 800 thousand for Goat Guling, and fresh drinks dar¡ Rp 3 thousand to Rp 10.5 thousand.
Curious how the difference in the diner Sate Kambing ¡ni with other places. Note the opening hours dar ¡puku1 9 am to 10 pm .***
See also:
Dim Sum
"The restaurant is a blend of cuisine Tegal and Solo", said Lina. Dar ¡kilogram Sate building designs also have a typical SMS. Ornaments and knick-knacks hut village typical combined-matching to be an attractive decoration. Historically, satay stall kilogram Ujang pioneered by Nasir, a resident of Babakan, Madang, Bogor, West Java. Called satay kilogram, because buyers do not buy tu ¡sate based jumiah satenya prick, but how much weight kilo.
Despite its name Sate Kambing, but the menu is served restaurant recipe is made dar ¡mutton, goat meat is not dar ¡. Reason Lina because lamb has a finer fiber than goat meat. Also the smell of mutton is also more friendly than meat goat's More prengus.
If you want menikrnati Sate Kambing in sin ¡, meat goats will be weighed first to order. For a quarter kilograms of satay, a 12-pin, you can simply spend Rp 38 thousand dollars. As for the one kilogram was pegged at Rp 152 thousand dollars. You can also buy the portion sizes, ¡the 10 sticks of USD 32 thousand. So very flexible.
Compared to processed meat goat, the color of his Sate cokiat not blackish like Sate in general but reddish brown. Seasoning recipe is complementary pieces of tomato, green chili, red onion, fried onions, soy sauce and a little spray. ¡Ni complementary seasoning recipe with seasoning recipe which used complementary to the recipe Sate Tegal, which is a mixture of soy sauce recipe red onion, tomato, chilli, soy sauce and do not miss.
Reddish brown color is produced dar ¡spread a little margarine and soy sauce while the meat was burned so that the meat does not easily burn. Membakarannya process using coconut shell charcoal, burning embers so much longer and not offering a lot of dust. The meat was so soft because of the sheep used oieh this restaurant is a sheep aged between 7-10 months. Mutton part used is not specified must dar ¡thigh or chest.
What is unique is the additional samin oil that is applied after the combustion process Sate. Additional samin oil makes sense Satay with savory blend gurihnya margarine. "Nita was deliberately using oil samin to Satay more tasty," said Lina.
Her recipes taste really fit, there is the sensation of sweet taste dar ¡Sate Solo recipes with savory sensation samin oil. In closing setequk Sweet Orange Ice is very refreshing. In addition there are options and Softdrink juice. Assorted fruit juice used as a form of star fruit, oranges, mango, avocado, guava, tomato, juice combination dar ¡serte mix some fruit. The range of food price first dar ¡¡Rp 16 thousand to USD 800 thousand for Goat Guling, and fresh drinks dar¡ Rp 3 thousand to Rp 10.5 thousand.
Curious how the difference in the diner Sate Kambing ¡ni with other places. Note the opening hours dar ¡puku1 9 am to 10 pm .***
See also:
Dim Sum
Ayo Makan Sehat di Burger King
Bagaimana cara makan yang sehat di Burger King? Jika Anda di jalan dan terdesak waktu, Anda mungkin tergoda untuk meniup diet sehat Anda dengan memesan burger dekaden dengan semua bahan-bahan perlengkapan di sebuah restoran fast food seperti Burger King. Jika Anda kelaparan dan perlu menggigit cepat untuk makan, pergi ke depan dan tarik ke tempat parkir Burger King. Dengan sedikit perencanaan anda bisa makan sehat di Burger King Restaurant. Berikut adalah cara makan yang sehat di Burger King.
1. Setelah Anda memasukkan restoran, Anda akan ingin menghindari menggoda oleh bau yang berlebihan dari kentang goreng yang baru saja dibuat. Jika Anda ingin menghindari rasa bersalah dan suku arteri Anda pada saat yang sama, tinggal jauh dari ini serta Whopper ganda dengan keju yang jam dalam dengan jumlah kalori sekitar 1.070 bersama dengan 70 gram lemak kekalahan. Ini hampir cara yang pasti untuk meniup maksud baik Anda makan sehat. The Whopper asli dengan keju tidak jauh lebih baik dalam 800 kalori dan 50 gram lemak.
2. Jika anda melihat sedikit lebih bawah menu, Anda akan melihat beberapa sehat Burger King pilihan yang tidak akan pukulan hari senilai kalori. Salah satu pilihan akan memerintahkan Junior Whopper tanpa mayones yang hanya akan menempatkan Anda kembali sedikit lebih dari 300 kalori dan 13 cukup masuk akal gram lemak. Ini mengasumsikan bahwa Anda menolak godaan untuk memesan kentang goreng yang baru saja dibuat. Untuk mengganti mayones dan memberikan Junior Whopper Anda beberapa bumbu tambahan, minta tambahan atau saus mustard di Junior Whopper Anda.
3. Pilihan lain yang sehat yang sempurna untuk vegetarian di Anda adalah BK Veggie Burger. Muncul dengan mayones lemak berkurang dan memiliki 340 kalori dan 10 gram lemak yang merupakan alternatif yang masuk akal untuk burger daging kalori tinggi berbasis untuk makan siang cepat. Pilihan makan sehat dari semua di Burger King mungkin sandwich Api-Ayam Panggang dengan dressing bebas lemak yang hanya akan membuat Anda kembali 240 kalori belaka dan memberikan sekitar 22 gram meningkatkan metabolisme protein. Yang satu ini adalah pemenang meskipun mungkin tidak tersedia di semua lokasi.
4. Jika Anda ingin makan sehat di Burger King, menunda minuman ringan yang sarat gula dan memilih untuk minum es teh dengan sedikit pemanis tanpa kalori. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan salad ke salah satu pilihan sehat. Hanya pastikan untuk mengatakan jauh dari perban sarat kalori.
5. Setelah Anda meninggalkan restoran, Anda bisa memberi selamat diri Anda untuk memilih pilihan makan yang sehat di Burger King. Ini meyakinkan untuk mengetahui bahwa restoran fast food masih merupakan pilihan bahkan jika Anda berkomitmen untuk makan sehat.
Sumber : Kristie Leong M.D -
Lihat juga:
Sour Sally
1. Setelah Anda memasukkan restoran, Anda akan ingin menghindari menggoda oleh bau yang berlebihan dari kentang goreng yang baru saja dibuat. Jika Anda ingin menghindari rasa bersalah dan suku arteri Anda pada saat yang sama, tinggal jauh dari ini serta Whopper ganda dengan keju yang jam dalam dengan jumlah kalori sekitar 1.070 bersama dengan 70 gram lemak kekalahan. Ini hampir cara yang pasti untuk meniup maksud baik Anda makan sehat. The Whopper asli dengan keju tidak jauh lebih baik dalam 800 kalori dan 50 gram lemak.
2. Jika anda melihat sedikit lebih bawah menu, Anda akan melihat beberapa sehat Burger King pilihan yang tidak akan pukulan hari senilai kalori. Salah satu pilihan akan memerintahkan Junior Whopper tanpa mayones yang hanya akan menempatkan Anda kembali sedikit lebih dari 300 kalori dan 13 cukup masuk akal gram lemak. Ini mengasumsikan bahwa Anda menolak godaan untuk memesan kentang goreng yang baru saja dibuat. Untuk mengganti mayones dan memberikan Junior Whopper Anda beberapa bumbu tambahan, minta tambahan atau saus mustard di Junior Whopper Anda.
3. Pilihan lain yang sehat yang sempurna untuk vegetarian di Anda adalah BK Veggie Burger. Muncul dengan mayones lemak berkurang dan memiliki 340 kalori dan 10 gram lemak yang merupakan alternatif yang masuk akal untuk burger daging kalori tinggi berbasis untuk makan siang cepat. Pilihan makan sehat dari semua di Burger King mungkin sandwich Api-Ayam Panggang dengan dressing bebas lemak yang hanya akan membuat Anda kembali 240 kalori belaka dan memberikan sekitar 22 gram meningkatkan metabolisme protein. Yang satu ini adalah pemenang meskipun mungkin tidak tersedia di semua lokasi.
4. Jika Anda ingin makan sehat di Burger King, menunda minuman ringan yang sarat gula dan memilih untuk minum es teh dengan sedikit pemanis tanpa kalori. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan salad ke salah satu pilihan sehat. Hanya pastikan untuk mengatakan jauh dari perban sarat kalori.
5. Setelah Anda meninggalkan restoran, Anda bisa memberi selamat diri Anda untuk memilih pilihan makan yang sehat di Burger King. Ini meyakinkan untuk mengetahui bahwa restoran fast food masih merupakan pilihan bahkan jika Anda berkomitmen untuk makan sehat.
Sumber : Kristie Leong M.D -
Lihat juga:
Sour Sally
Steak Ayam Enak
Ada berbagai jenis Steak, mulai dari daging hingga ayam. Namun, Steak ayam menjadi jenis Steak yang populer dikenalkan dari masakan China.
Daging ayam 30 gr, iris
Tepung terigu 4 sdm
Bawang putih 1 siung, cincang
Saus tomat 2 sdm
Kecap manis 1 sdt
Cuka 1 sdt
Gula pasir ½ sdt
Garam dan lada secukupnya
Larutan tepung sagu ¼ gelas (tepung sagu ½ sdm + air ¼ gelas)
Mentimun 1 buah, iris
Tomat 1 buah, iris
Daun selada 5 helai, bersihkan
Kentang 1 buah, iris, goreng, tiriskan
Wortel 1 buah, iris, rebus, tiriskan
Buncis 5 buah, buang serat, rebus sebentar, iris.
Cara membuat:
Bubuhi daging ayam dengan garam dan lada, taburi tepung terigu. Goreng sampai matang, tiriskan.
Campur semua bahan bumbu, panaskan.
Letakkan Steak ayam di atas piring saji, siram dengan bumbu.
Sajikan dengan bahan pelengkap.
Sumber : Chaerunnisa-Okezone/okefood
Lihat juga:
Dim Sum
Daging ayam 30 gr, iris
Tepung terigu 4 sdm
Bawang putih 1 siung, cincang
Saus tomat 2 sdm
Kecap manis 1 sdt
Cuka 1 sdt
Gula pasir ½ sdt
Garam dan lada secukupnya
Larutan tepung sagu ¼ gelas (tepung sagu ½ sdm + air ¼ gelas)
Mentimun 1 buah, iris
Tomat 1 buah, iris
Daun selada 5 helai, bersihkan
Kentang 1 buah, iris, goreng, tiriskan
Wortel 1 buah, iris, rebus, tiriskan
Buncis 5 buah, buang serat, rebus sebentar, iris.
Cara membuat:
Bubuhi daging ayam dengan garam dan lada, taburi tepung terigu. Goreng sampai matang, tiriskan.
Campur semua bahan bumbu, panaskan.
Letakkan Steak ayam di atas piring saji, siram dengan bumbu.
Sajikan dengan bahan pelengkap.
Sumber : Chaerunnisa-Okezone/okefood
Lihat juga:
Dim Sum
Rabu, 24 November 2010
It's Good to Eat Sate Torpedo
Sate - Surya Saputra didaulat as host of the show 'Whole Joint Bango Sacrifice' at Masjid Raya Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. He got a new experience when tasted Sate torpedo.
"It feels good but if asked to choose, I prefer to broil the meat instead of torpedoes," Surya said when met at the sidelines of the event, Friday, November 27, 2009.
Sate torpedo is a dish prepared from cow or goat sex organ. Myth, sate torpedo efficacious as a tonic male or enhance sexual arousal. "The effect is dangerous, but lets get that myth," he said.
Although not too much like the taste, Surya did not give up to try it again. The reason, sate torpedo is one of the typical menu that is served in Indonesian culinary. "That includes preserving," he said.
Source: Tri Pipiet Noorastuti, Gestina
See also:
Sour Sally
Burger King
"It feels good but if asked to choose, I prefer to broil the meat instead of torpedoes," Surya said when met at the sidelines of the event, Friday, November 27, 2009.
Sate torpedo is a dish prepared from cow or goat sex organ. Myth, sate torpedo efficacious as a tonic male or enhance sexual arousal. "The effect is dangerous, but lets get that myth," he said.
Although not too much like the taste, Surya did not give up to try it again. The reason, sate torpedo is one of the typical menu that is served in Indonesian culinary. "That includes preserving," he said.
Source: Tri Pipiet Noorastuti, Gestina
See also:
Sour Sally
Burger King
Attractive Ice cream
Last one year, chose Ice cream was more confusing. Confused because the more diverse flavors offered. Not to mention all the 'accessories' additions that can be mixed in it.
Ice cream culinary development to form an increasingly 'complex' is most easily seen in shopping centers. Ice cream restaurant and home-based businesses, too, improvise.
If you have this, there is no other way to know the greatness of culinary development jajal Ice cream in addition to direct. In addition, the appearance of Ice cream are increasingly 'complex' challenge the sense of taste.
One of the interesting try is Cold Stone Creamery. Ice cream from Arizona, USA, this is on some central shopping area of South Jakarta.
From the pictures at the booth can be seen ice cream categorized as 'complicated' earlier. Ice cream is rising in the cup of dried wafle wavy until like a volcano erupting.
However vomit stone alternated with chocolate, nuts, and even some bananas, crackers, and chunks of chocolate cake. There are 21 ice cream flavors and 43 mix (mix-in) other provided.
If you have not dared to explore, select the signature ice cream is a safe way to get a delicious creations. One of the flagship stores Devotion ie it is chocolate ice cream mixed with chocolate brown granules and brownies. Sensation on the tongue seems equivalent. Although porous, ice cream was soft. Viscosity shows high levels of milk.
Mixed grain of chocolate make this meal feels crowded in the mouth. Maybe a little bit inconvenient because some sticky brown teeth. Even so sweet keep fit, it is probably because the ice cream base that is not too sweet.
Ice cream mixed style is also already entered the hotel buffe. Shangri-La Hotel, one of them. Although not seberagam at the booth, in the form of chocolate biscuits, bars, cylinders, or strawberry are also available. "Because the bottom line is be creative as you please. That's what made people love ice cream. While not bad, still prefer for your own creations," said Executive Pastry Chef Shangri-La, Guillaume Bonnety.
Men's French vanilla ice cream assess the best basis for mixing. "Because not too sweet," said Bonnety who called the style of ice cream as tepanyaki, referring to the table where the mixing of ice cream.
This table also become an additional attraction is ice cream. On the table are similar to refrigerated granite table tepanyaki processing, the ice cream mix, chopped, to be compressed again. Even so, the ice cream does not melt.
Italian gelato ice cream (gelati-plural) are also increasingly found in Indonesia. Ice cream contains fruit and low fat content of milk.
That way, gelati feel lighter than regular ice cream. Alessandro Santi, Italian chef at the Shangri-La, said gelati functioning wash the taste of food in advance and provide a sense of fresh afterwards.
Source: Dok.mi/OL-5 - Star Krisanti - Media Indonesia
See also:
Ice cream culinary development to form an increasingly 'complex' is most easily seen in shopping centers. Ice cream restaurant and home-based businesses, too, improvise.
If you have this, there is no other way to know the greatness of culinary development jajal Ice cream in addition to direct. In addition, the appearance of Ice cream are increasingly 'complex' challenge the sense of taste.
One of the interesting try is Cold Stone Creamery. Ice cream from Arizona, USA, this is on some central shopping area of South Jakarta.
From the pictures at the booth can be seen ice cream categorized as 'complicated' earlier. Ice cream is rising in the cup of dried wafle wavy until like a volcano erupting.
However vomit stone alternated with chocolate, nuts, and even some bananas, crackers, and chunks of chocolate cake. There are 21 ice cream flavors and 43 mix (mix-in) other provided.
If you have not dared to explore, select the signature ice cream is a safe way to get a delicious creations. One of the flagship stores Devotion ie it is chocolate ice cream mixed with chocolate brown granules and brownies. Sensation on the tongue seems equivalent. Although porous, ice cream was soft. Viscosity shows high levels of milk.
Mixed grain of chocolate make this meal feels crowded in the mouth. Maybe a little bit inconvenient because some sticky brown teeth. Even so sweet keep fit, it is probably because the ice cream base that is not too sweet.
Ice cream mixed style is also already entered the hotel buffe. Shangri-La Hotel, one of them. Although not seberagam at the booth, in the form of chocolate biscuits, bars, cylinders, or strawberry are also available. "Because the bottom line is be creative as you please. That's what made people love ice cream. While not bad, still prefer for your own creations," said Executive Pastry Chef Shangri-La, Guillaume Bonnety.
Men's French vanilla ice cream assess the best basis for mixing. "Because not too sweet," said Bonnety who called the style of ice cream as tepanyaki, referring to the table where the mixing of ice cream.
This table also become an additional attraction is ice cream. On the table are similar to refrigerated granite table tepanyaki processing, the ice cream mix, chopped, to be compressed again. Even so, the ice cream does not melt.
Italian gelato ice cream (gelati-plural) are also increasingly found in Indonesia. Ice cream contains fruit and low fat content of milk.
That way, gelati feel lighter than regular ice cream. Alessandro Santi, Italian chef at the Shangri-La, said gelati functioning wash the taste of food in advance and provide a sense of fresh afterwards.
Source: Dok.mi/OL-5 - Star Krisanti - Media Indonesia
See also:
Selasa, 23 November 2010
Delicacies of Sushi World
Sushi fans will do anything to get their favorite food. Even if necessary, stand in line and did not mind paying a high price. But for this one is guaranteed you will not need to queue. The price is very affordable. Understandably, student price.
Sushi World deserve to be one where a fitting choice for those who like sushi. In this restaurant guests can taste a variety of fusion sushi that is loved by young people. Fusion sushi has a different taste, because it has undergone little change, by combining existing materials.
Basically, sushi is a Japanese food consisting of rice which is formed with side dishes of seafood, meat, raw or cooked vegetables. The origins of the word sushi is the adjective for the sour taste of sushi written in kanji.
At first, sushi, written with the kanji is the term for one type of fish called gyosho preservation, ie, smear the fish with salt, powdered yeast or the dregs of sake.
"If fusion sushi coupled with new materials such as mayonnaise, avocado, mango, cucumber, and even cayenne pepper. Sushinya can be fried," said Rahandari (23) aka Riri, one of the owners of Sushi World.
A variety of sushi served with a very attractive and tempting. One of the flagship dragon roll. The depth is filled with fried shrimp and mayonnaise and sprinkled with tempura flour and given the avocado on top. This menu also includes popular at many other sushi restaurants.
Although the terms of the same species, but from the content and presentation is made differently. Most importantly, the price can be half the price of well-known sushi restaurant. Dragon roll was pegged to the price of Rp 35,000.
Riri is also suggested to try volcano. Sushi is delicious smeared with red sauce made of baby octopus and mayo sauce. The sushi rolls filled with crab meat, mayonnaise, and avocado. For those who like the spicy taste, it is advisable to dare to try kalimantan. Sushi contains sisamo fish, mayonnaise, watercress, and cayenne pepper.
"Quite often there is also a consumer who advise us to be made of certain types of sushi ever tried at other restaurants. Had it fits, it is possible to be included in the menu," says Riri again.
There is also a type of sushi called Gunkan, the rice is rolled up and given a topping of raw fish, eggs, fish or eel on top, and wrapped in nori around it. Another type is nigiri sushi, the sushi is on it were given slices of fish and then tied with nori.
As a friend to eat sushi, the most fit combined with wasabi. Typical Japanese condiment that is unique. Because the material instead of chili sauce that we usually eat, but made from Japanese horseradish that would arise if taste spicy enough to sting the nose.
Visitors who can not stand feeling of spiciness can mix wasabi with Shoyu, which is a type of Japanese soy sauce that tastes salty and sweet. Also equipped with handcuffs, a kind of pink ginger.
For information, sushi with fish that have been through the process of cooking it a good nutritional value, low-calorie, and low in fat. Sushi salmon contain vitamin D, and sticky material in sushi provides a good carbohydrate for energy.
Based on research by Dr Iain Brownlee of the University of Newscastle, sushi is also popular as a weight loss diet.
Elements that provide such benefits is nori, dried seaweed used to wrap sushi. British researchers say that the nori has the potential to reduce the retention of body fat to 75 percent.
Source: -
See also:
Dim Sum
Sushi World deserve to be one where a fitting choice for those who like sushi. In this restaurant guests can taste a variety of fusion sushi that is loved by young people. Fusion sushi has a different taste, because it has undergone little change, by combining existing materials.
Basically, sushi is a Japanese food consisting of rice which is formed with side dishes of seafood, meat, raw or cooked vegetables. The origins of the word sushi is the adjective for the sour taste of sushi written in kanji.
At first, sushi, written with the kanji is the term for one type of fish called gyosho preservation, ie, smear the fish with salt, powdered yeast or the dregs of sake.
"If fusion sushi coupled with new materials such as mayonnaise, avocado, mango, cucumber, and even cayenne pepper. Sushinya can be fried," said Rahandari (23) aka Riri, one of the owners of Sushi World.
A variety of sushi served with a very attractive and tempting. One of the flagship dragon roll. The depth is filled with fried shrimp and mayonnaise and sprinkled with tempura flour and given the avocado on top. This menu also includes popular at many other sushi restaurants.
Although the terms of the same species, but from the content and presentation is made differently. Most importantly, the price can be half the price of well-known sushi restaurant. Dragon roll was pegged to the price of Rp 35,000.
Riri is also suggested to try volcano. Sushi is delicious smeared with red sauce made of baby octopus and mayo sauce. The sushi rolls filled with crab meat, mayonnaise, and avocado. For those who like the spicy taste, it is advisable to dare to try kalimantan. Sushi contains sisamo fish, mayonnaise, watercress, and cayenne pepper.
"Quite often there is also a consumer who advise us to be made of certain types of sushi ever tried at other restaurants. Had it fits, it is possible to be included in the menu," says Riri again.
There is also a type of sushi called Gunkan, the rice is rolled up and given a topping of raw fish, eggs, fish or eel on top, and wrapped in nori around it. Another type is nigiri sushi, the sushi is on it were given slices of fish and then tied with nori.
As a friend to eat sushi, the most fit combined with wasabi. Typical Japanese condiment that is unique. Because the material instead of chili sauce that we usually eat, but made from Japanese horseradish that would arise if taste spicy enough to sting the nose.
Visitors who can not stand feeling of spiciness can mix wasabi with Shoyu, which is a type of Japanese soy sauce that tastes salty and sweet. Also equipped with handcuffs, a kind of pink ginger.
For information, sushi with fish that have been through the process of cooking it a good nutritional value, low-calorie, and low in fat. Sushi salmon contain vitamin D, and sticky material in sushi provides a good carbohydrate for energy.
Based on research by Dr Iain Brownlee of the University of Newscastle, sushi is also popular as a weight loss diet.
Elements that provide such benefits is nori, dried seaweed used to wrap sushi. British researchers say that the nori has the potential to reduce the retention of body fat to 75 percent.
Source: -
See also:
Dim Sum
Senin, 22 November 2010
Steak Factory at Central Jakarta
Steak, popularly called by the people of Indonesia are now no longer a scarce food. Fans of grilled meat can find it anywhere, with varying prices as well. Want to expensive there, there was relatively cheap.
First, the steak can be found only in expensive places, such as five-star hotels or fancy-looking restaurants. But now, as the economic crisis that has hit Indonesia, which until now has not been recovered, the steak is no longer an expensive dish. Many small shops and even street vendors tents serving this meat. If you have this, quality and price becomes diverse.
One of the places that offer steak dish with a relatively affordable price is Biak number 23, Central Jakarta. Steak Factory, as the name suggests, the concept of low profile appearance. But, the owner must offer bold flavor that is different from other places, including entering the taste of Indonesia.
Kenneth Chen, the owner, pack this steak restaurant with a comfortable and attractive design. Office for two floors with a capacity of 100 people, according to Director of Operations-Yoke-designed so that people can feel relaxed and greeted the owner. "Fans of steak, both come with family or coworkers can feel comfortable especially with friendly service," Yoke said about the restaurant which is managed with the opening hours are 11:00 until 22.00 pm.
According to Yoke, tent stalls along Jalan Biak had been a lot of Central Jakarta. Even Chen asserted that the resto-resto there had opened dozens of years ago. Therefore, the business is managed on a privately owned building was packed a little differently. In addition to the different wares, the place also has its own uniqueness. Paint the walls a bright red color rather dark orange dominate the room. As for more interesting, the walls are given an additional type of asbestos material affixed to curved. The material is simple but the result is quite artistic. The color of the room is lit even though the heat represents the steak from the grill. Perhaps this atmosphere increase appetite for visitors.
Case locations are already thinking. Places are now chosen, including the area busy. One again, there was no similar business that could become competitors.
"Always try something new to dish and offering promotional packages," explained Chen about a handful of tips that executable.
Source: SH/sally piri -
See also:
Dim Sum
First, the steak can be found only in expensive places, such as five-star hotels or fancy-looking restaurants. But now, as the economic crisis that has hit Indonesia, which until now has not been recovered, the steak is no longer an expensive dish. Many small shops and even street vendors tents serving this meat. If you have this, quality and price becomes diverse.
One of the places that offer steak dish with a relatively affordable price is Biak number 23, Central Jakarta. Steak Factory, as the name suggests, the concept of low profile appearance. But, the owner must offer bold flavor that is different from other places, including entering the taste of Indonesia.
Kenneth Chen, the owner, pack this steak restaurant with a comfortable and attractive design. Office for two floors with a capacity of 100 people, according to Director of Operations-Yoke-designed so that people can feel relaxed and greeted the owner. "Fans of steak, both come with family or coworkers can feel comfortable especially with friendly service," Yoke said about the restaurant which is managed with the opening hours are 11:00 until 22.00 pm.
According to Yoke, tent stalls along Jalan Biak had been a lot of Central Jakarta. Even Chen asserted that the resto-resto there had opened dozens of years ago. Therefore, the business is managed on a privately owned building was packed a little differently. In addition to the different wares, the place also has its own uniqueness. Paint the walls a bright red color rather dark orange dominate the room. As for more interesting, the walls are given an additional type of asbestos material affixed to curved. The material is simple but the result is quite artistic. The color of the room is lit even though the heat represents the steak from the grill. Perhaps this atmosphere increase appetite for visitors.
Case locations are already thinking. Places are now chosen, including the area busy. One again, there was no similar business that could become competitors.
"Always try something new to dish and offering promotional packages," explained Chen about a handful of tips that executable.
Source: SH/sally piri -
See also:
Dim Sum
Sate Mushroom Taste like Chicken Sate
Sate mushrooms, culinary one may still alien to the community. But the Sate mushrooms has become a new favorite menu in the city of Banyuwangi. Food stalls that provide this menu is located Warung Ibu Tina Jl. Crab Feast Banyuwangi. Location Agustini's food stall, (49) Environment Stendo residents, village carpenter is in the old office of the National Awakening Party (PKB).
For those of you who have never enjoyed a mushroom Sate, Sate you will think that you eat is chicken Sate. Because it is similar to the delicious chicken Sate. Yet the typical mushroom flavor is tasty and slightly chewy still can be felt.
Coupled with nut on satenya add pleasure sate seasoning mushrooms. "Of course there is the secret ingredient in artificial sate me," I Agustini are in the know with Tina a call on Monday (7/26/2010).
To enjoy the delights of this mushroom Sate we do not need to spend big money. Only Rp 10 thousand, 10 sticks of Sate mushroom delicacy is we can enjoy. If you want to eat it with rice or rice cake we just need to add money Rp 2 thousand only. Tina mushroom Sate stall is open from 10.00 am in the morning until around 21:00 pm.
Every day, at least Tina spent 7 kg oyster mushrooms as raw material. The number continues to grow, according to him along with increased interest in Sate mushrooms. According to Tina, each kg of an average oyster mushrooms can be made into 60 mushroom skewers.
Sate mushrooms, in addition to savory is also low in cholesterol. So for those who have a cholesterol problem should not be afraid to eat Sate on this one. Sate jamu also become food for the vegetarian alternative. Not a few who choose the vegetarian Sate skewers mushrooms as a food substitute.
"Usually when I want to eat vegetarian special Sate I had to go to Bali, not anymore," said Wiriyanto, a vegetarian Sate mushroom lovers.
Source: - jae/mm/jb2
See also:
Burger King
For those of you who have never enjoyed a mushroom Sate, Sate you will think that you eat is chicken Sate. Because it is similar to the delicious chicken Sate. Yet the typical mushroom flavor is tasty and slightly chewy still can be felt.
Coupled with nut on satenya add pleasure sate seasoning mushrooms. "Of course there is the secret ingredient in artificial sate me," I Agustini are in the know with Tina a call on Monday (7/26/2010).
To enjoy the delights of this mushroom Sate we do not need to spend big money. Only Rp 10 thousand, 10 sticks of Sate mushroom delicacy is we can enjoy. If you want to eat it with rice or rice cake we just need to add money Rp 2 thousand only. Tina mushroom Sate stall is open from 10.00 am in the morning until around 21:00 pm.
Every day, at least Tina spent 7 kg oyster mushrooms as raw material. The number continues to grow, according to him along with increased interest in Sate mushrooms. According to Tina, each kg of an average oyster mushrooms can be made into 60 mushroom skewers.
Sate mushrooms, in addition to savory is also low in cholesterol. So for those who have a cholesterol problem should not be afraid to eat Sate on this one. Sate jamu also become food for the vegetarian alternative. Not a few who choose the vegetarian Sate skewers mushrooms as a food substitute.
"Usually when I want to eat vegetarian special Sate I had to go to Bali, not anymore," said Wiriyanto, a vegetarian Sate mushroom lovers.
Source: - jae/mm/jb2
See also:
Burger King
Proses Pembuatan Ice cream?
Proses pembuatan Ice cream terdiri dari: 1) pencampuran, 2) pasteurisasi, 3) homogenisasi, 4) pendinginan, 5) aging atau penuaan, 6) freezing atau pembekuan, 7) hardening atau pengerasan, dan 8) penyimpanan (Arbuckle, 1986).
Pencampuran dilakukan dengan memanaskan terlebih dahulu bahan cair dalam bejana pencampur sampai kira-kira 40-50°C, kemudian bahan-bahan kering seperti gula, bahan pengemulsi dan bahan penstabil ditambahkan dan dicampur supaya larut dengan baik.
Pasteurisasi dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membebaskan adonan dari bakteri patogen, membantu melarutkan bahan, memperbaiki flavour dan mutu simpan. Pasteurisasi adonan dilakukan pada suhu 68,3°C selama 30 menit atau pada suhu 71°C selama 30 detik. Proses homogenisasi biasanya dilakukan pada suhu 62,8-76,7°C. Proses ini bertujuan untuk mencegah globula lemak bersatu, untuk mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan bagi proses aging campuran itu dan untuk mempengaruhi kekentalan sehingga tekstur dan body Ice cream menjadi lebih baik.
Setelah proses homogenisasi, adonan harus cepat didinginkan sampai 0-4°C agar tekstur Ice cream menjadi halus, kekentalan berkurang dan pertumbuhan mikroba menjadi lambat. Proses aging diperlukan untuk memberi kesempatan bahan penstabil bekerja. Selama proses ini berlangsung, terjadi perubahan-perubahan antara lain penggabungan bahan penstabil dengan air, pengerasan lemak dan peningkatan viskositas. Setelah itu proses pembekuan harus dilakukan dengan cepat untuk mencegah pembentukan kristal es yang kasar. Pengerasan Ice cream umumnya dilakukan dalam suhu -45°C sampai -23°C selama 24 jam (Arbuckle dan Marshall, 1996).
Sumber :
Lihat juga :
Sour Sally
Pencampuran dilakukan dengan memanaskan terlebih dahulu bahan cair dalam bejana pencampur sampai kira-kira 40-50°C, kemudian bahan-bahan kering seperti gula, bahan pengemulsi dan bahan penstabil ditambahkan dan dicampur supaya larut dengan baik.
Pasteurisasi dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membebaskan adonan dari bakteri patogen, membantu melarutkan bahan, memperbaiki flavour dan mutu simpan. Pasteurisasi adonan dilakukan pada suhu 68,3°C selama 30 menit atau pada suhu 71°C selama 30 detik. Proses homogenisasi biasanya dilakukan pada suhu 62,8-76,7°C. Proses ini bertujuan untuk mencegah globula lemak bersatu, untuk mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan bagi proses aging campuran itu dan untuk mempengaruhi kekentalan sehingga tekstur dan body Ice cream menjadi lebih baik.
Setelah proses homogenisasi, adonan harus cepat didinginkan sampai 0-4°C agar tekstur Ice cream menjadi halus, kekentalan berkurang dan pertumbuhan mikroba menjadi lambat. Proses aging diperlukan untuk memberi kesempatan bahan penstabil bekerja. Selama proses ini berlangsung, terjadi perubahan-perubahan antara lain penggabungan bahan penstabil dengan air, pengerasan lemak dan peningkatan viskositas. Setelah itu proses pembekuan harus dilakukan dengan cepat untuk mencegah pembentukan kristal es yang kasar. Pengerasan Ice cream umumnya dilakukan dalam suhu -45°C sampai -23°C selama 24 jam (Arbuckle dan Marshall, 1996).
Sumber :
Lihat juga :
Sour Sally
Beaujolais Nouveau Festival at Kelapa Gading
Indonesian Wine lovers gathered in the Beaujolais Nouveau Festival held at La Piazza Kelapa Gading, Thursday (11/18/2010). The event was organized by Summarecon Kelapa Gading and Indonesia sommelier Association (ISA) is an annual event and this year's event for the second time.
According Soegianto Nagaria, President of Indonesia sommelier Association, this festival is the warm-up for the show "Wine and Cheese Expo" which will be held in May 2011. Beaujolais Nouveau Festival itself is an adaptation of the tradition in the Beaujolais region, France. This region produces wines Beaujolais Nouveau. Japan successfully adapted the Beaujolais Nouveau Festival and now Indonesia also participated and organized this unique festival.
In addition, in this festival as well as introducing Indonesia sommelier Association. Soegianto explained that experts in serving wine sommelier.
"Sommelier must determine a suitable wine at dinner," said Soegianto.
Art of serving this wine does not just know what works, but must recognize the characteristics of wine to its origin. Sommelier also plays an important role in Indonesia's tourism. Soegianto explained, often sommelier Indonesia to compete in foreign countries and bringing the name of Indonesia.
"For foreign tourists when they come to Indonesia will feel familiar if you get the sommelier who understand wine," he said. Therefore, this association was formed for fellow sommelier can support each other and share knowledge and experiences.
In this event also introduced Beaujolais Nouveau wine. Type of wine is already well known abroad, but still rare in Indonesia.
"This wine from Gamay grapes from the Beaujolais region. Beaujolais Nouveau Beaujolais itself means new. Because this wine comes from grapes aged 6 weeks already bottled and fermented quickly using a special yeast," explained Soegianto.
This particular yeast deliver cherry and banana flavor in the wine. The color is light purple with pink bursts. Taste sweet and sour briefly with the dominant impression of a bitter after drinking it. Wine light suitable for friends eat while talking casually with friends.
"Wine is very simple, famous for without the vintage, so within two months have gone," said Soegianto. Vintage is the year of wine production, made generally getting older, richer taste wine and the price is more expensive.
"Drink this wine seemed to be in France a pretty cool atmosphere, eat a hot grandmother cuisine, drinking wine with delicious with friends who want to enjoy today. This is a vivid illustration to this wine," said Soegianto.
One visitor, Benny Subroto, who are lovers of wine, always present in the Beaujolais Nouveau Festival and really enjoyed the event.
"The atmosphere is festive and friendly. So people are not too formal. This event is good, in order to introduce wine," said Benny.
In addition to wine, this festival is also celebrated with a culinary and cultural France. Visitors can see the typical French songs and dances on stage are available. Typical of French art was displayed, such as Mime & Magician, Arts Happening, Street Accordion Player, and many more.
Meanwhile, the tongue pampered guests a buffet menu. All meals are typically French, such as Balotine Duck "Confit", Fish Broth, Crepe, and various other menus. There are more than 20 menus that are served for fans of French culture.
If you missed this event, so look forward to next year's Nouveau Beaujolais Festival usually held on the third week of November.
Source: Ni Luh Made Pertiwi F -
See also:
Dim Sum
According Soegianto Nagaria, President of Indonesia sommelier Association, this festival is the warm-up for the show "Wine and Cheese Expo" which will be held in May 2011. Beaujolais Nouveau Festival itself is an adaptation of the tradition in the Beaujolais region, France. This region produces wines Beaujolais Nouveau. Japan successfully adapted the Beaujolais Nouveau Festival and now Indonesia also participated and organized this unique festival.
In addition, in this festival as well as introducing Indonesia sommelier Association. Soegianto explained that experts in serving wine sommelier.
"Sommelier must determine a suitable wine at dinner," said Soegianto.
Art of serving this wine does not just know what works, but must recognize the characteristics of wine to its origin. Sommelier also plays an important role in Indonesia's tourism. Soegianto explained, often sommelier Indonesia to compete in foreign countries and bringing the name of Indonesia.
"For foreign tourists when they come to Indonesia will feel familiar if you get the sommelier who understand wine," he said. Therefore, this association was formed for fellow sommelier can support each other and share knowledge and experiences.
In this event also introduced Beaujolais Nouveau wine. Type of wine is already well known abroad, but still rare in Indonesia.
"This wine from Gamay grapes from the Beaujolais region. Beaujolais Nouveau Beaujolais itself means new. Because this wine comes from grapes aged 6 weeks already bottled and fermented quickly using a special yeast," explained Soegianto.
This particular yeast deliver cherry and banana flavor in the wine. The color is light purple with pink bursts. Taste sweet and sour briefly with the dominant impression of a bitter after drinking it. Wine light suitable for friends eat while talking casually with friends.
"Wine is very simple, famous for without the vintage, so within two months have gone," said Soegianto. Vintage is the year of wine production, made generally getting older, richer taste wine and the price is more expensive.
"Drink this wine seemed to be in France a pretty cool atmosphere, eat a hot grandmother cuisine, drinking wine with delicious with friends who want to enjoy today. This is a vivid illustration to this wine," said Soegianto.
One visitor, Benny Subroto, who are lovers of wine, always present in the Beaujolais Nouveau Festival and really enjoyed the event.
"The atmosphere is festive and friendly. So people are not too formal. This event is good, in order to introduce wine," said Benny.
In addition to wine, this festival is also celebrated with a culinary and cultural France. Visitors can see the typical French songs and dances on stage are available. Typical of French art was displayed, such as Mime & Magician, Arts Happening, Street Accordion Player, and many more.
Meanwhile, the tongue pampered guests a buffet menu. All meals are typically French, such as Balotine Duck "Confit", Fish Broth, Crepe, and various other menus. There are more than 20 menus that are served for fans of French culture.
If you missed this event, so look forward to next year's Nouveau Beaujolais Festival usually held on the third week of November.
Source: Ni Luh Made Pertiwi F -
See also:
Dim Sum
Minggu, 21 November 2010
Jenis Dim Sum Tradisional
Tradisional Dim Sum termasuk dikukus atau pangsit goreng, diisi roti, roti beras, dan mie. Bahan termasuk ayam, daging babi, sapi, udang, dan sejumlah pilihan vegetarian. Dim Sum restoran sering juga menawarkan piring sayuran hijau kukus dan kue-kue dan makanan penutup termasuk bubur buah. Berbagai macam hidangan benar-benar suatu keajaiban, meskipun kokot tertentu akan hampir selalu muncul di daftar. 'Gow' adalah suatu standar yang paling Dim Sum bistro.
Pangsit dibungkus kulit tepung beras bening, memungkinkan 'Gow' koki untuk menarik perhatian pada kesenian nya, sebagai pangsit yang cukup menantang untuk membuat.
pangsit gaya 'Chiu-chao' mirip masakan Thailand, yang mengandung kacang tanah, daun bawang bawang putih, udang kering, jamur shitake, dan disajikan dengan saus sambal tajam. 'Gyoza', favorit Cina akrab, kadang-kadang dimasukkan dalam makan Dim Sum, meskipun mereka tidak dikategorikan sebagai unsur tradisional dalam masakan tersebut. Sebuah gaya Cina Utara piring, 'gyoza' adalah pangsit lezat diisi dengan mengisi kubis dan daging.
Selain kue, varietas Kanton terdiri dari banyak roti khas Dim Sum. Shanghai dikukus roti yang diisi dengan daging, sering makanan laut, dan dibedakan oleh sup tersembunyi di dalam roti. 'Bau' adalah jenis lain bun, disajikan dipanggang atau dikukus. A mengobati mengembang, 'bau' dipenuhi dengan berbagai macam daging dan sayuran. Mungkin jenis yang paling berbeda dan populer dari 'bau', 'cha Siu baau' terdiri dari Cantonses barbeque rasa daging babi, daging, dan bawang di dalam casing luar cahaya.
Banyak item dalam katalog Dim Sum tidak jatuh dengan mudah ke dalam roti khas / kategori pangsit. phoenix cakar tersebut (kaki ayam), bola biji wijen, dikukus iga babi, beras daun teratai, puding mangga, makanan penutup tahu, lumpia, kue tar telur dan cumi goreng semua fitur potensial dalam pertemuan makan Dim Sum. Beberapa restoran mungkin menawarkan sampai seratus item yang berbeda pada hari yang sangat menuntut.
Sumber: - restoran pengalaman bersantap
Lihat juga:
Pangsit dibungkus kulit tepung beras bening, memungkinkan 'Gow' koki untuk menarik perhatian pada kesenian nya, sebagai pangsit yang cukup menantang untuk membuat.
pangsit gaya 'Chiu-chao' mirip masakan Thailand, yang mengandung kacang tanah, daun bawang bawang putih, udang kering, jamur shitake, dan disajikan dengan saus sambal tajam. 'Gyoza', favorit Cina akrab, kadang-kadang dimasukkan dalam makan Dim Sum, meskipun mereka tidak dikategorikan sebagai unsur tradisional dalam masakan tersebut. Sebuah gaya Cina Utara piring, 'gyoza' adalah pangsit lezat diisi dengan mengisi kubis dan daging.
Selain kue, varietas Kanton terdiri dari banyak roti khas Dim Sum. Shanghai dikukus roti yang diisi dengan daging, sering makanan laut, dan dibedakan oleh sup tersembunyi di dalam roti. 'Bau' adalah jenis lain bun, disajikan dipanggang atau dikukus. A mengobati mengembang, 'bau' dipenuhi dengan berbagai macam daging dan sayuran. Mungkin jenis yang paling berbeda dan populer dari 'bau', 'cha Siu baau' terdiri dari Cantonses barbeque rasa daging babi, daging, dan bawang di dalam casing luar cahaya.
Banyak item dalam katalog Dim Sum tidak jatuh dengan mudah ke dalam roti khas / kategori pangsit. phoenix cakar tersebut (kaki ayam), bola biji wijen, dikukus iga babi, beras daun teratai, puding mangga, makanan penutup tahu, lumpia, kue tar telur dan cumi goreng semua fitur potensial dalam pertemuan makan Dim Sum. Beberapa restoran mungkin menawarkan sampai seratus item yang berbeda pada hari yang sangat menuntut.
Sumber: - restoran pengalaman bersantap
Lihat juga:
Sour Sally, Blend Yogurt
With a view funny icons, boutique yogurt Sour Sally offers freshness taste plain yogurt and green tea original, with a choice of 20 types of toppings are fresh, light, delicious, and healthy, from a variety of fruit to cereal. Besides yogurt, available also Smoothies and shaved ice.
"We free each person to choose, mix and meet individual taste or adjust the mood of the moment. Either that make cool on hot days or when the spirit of the moment goes down," said Donny Pramono, owner of the Sour Sally.
To be sure, blend yogurt is available in Sour Sally is not just only fruits that are commonly used such as strawberries, and kiwi.
But it is also formulated with typical Indonesian processed fruits such as mango, jackfruit, and others.
Commonly eaten cereal for breakfast like corn flakes and chocolate chips also become part of a delicious concoction of yogurt.
"If topping-topping is sown on top of yogurt, continued to scoop her at the graft into the mouth, you'll ngerasain blend of sweet and sour taste with taste sensations hmmmh Special .... really!" he explained.
Sour Sally Fro-Yo is a native brand of Indonesia in spite of the materials used are imported from America.
To maintain freshness, it is advisable to immediately consume yogurt in place, and do not keep yogurt in the refrigerator.
Present at Senayan City and Kemang, Sour Sally Fro-Yo Boutique can be obtained with reasonable price, which ranges from Rp17.500-Rp49.500. [L1]
Source: Liana Garcia -
See also:
Ice cream
Burger King
"We free each person to choose, mix and meet individual taste or adjust the mood of the moment. Either that make cool on hot days or when the spirit of the moment goes down," said Donny Pramono, owner of the Sour Sally.
To be sure, blend yogurt is available in Sour Sally is not just only fruits that are commonly used such as strawberries, and kiwi.
But it is also formulated with typical Indonesian processed fruits such as mango, jackfruit, and others.
Commonly eaten cereal for breakfast like corn flakes and chocolate chips also become part of a delicious concoction of yogurt.
"If topping-topping is sown on top of yogurt, continued to scoop her at the graft into the mouth, you'll ngerasain blend of sweet and sour taste with taste sensations hmmmh Special .... really!" he explained.
Sour Sally Fro-Yo is a native brand of Indonesia in spite of the materials used are imported from America.
To maintain freshness, it is advisable to immediately consume yogurt in place, and do not keep yogurt in the refrigerator.
Present at Senayan City and Kemang, Sour Sally Fro-Yo Boutique can be obtained with reasonable price, which ranges from Rp17.500-Rp49.500. [L1]
Source: Liana Garcia -
See also:
Ice cream
Burger King
Sate Orchid / Sate Anggrek
Here's one of the legendary Sate of Bandung: Sate Orchid. Warung sate sidewalk located at the intersection of Jl. Orchids and Jl. Riau has been there since a few years ago and became one of the foods that are sought. I was so much demand, if you're busy, the day the satay seller can sell up to two thousand skewers. In fact, if anyone wants to order a hundred or two hundred skewer meals for events do not need to order a few days earlier. Direct came on the day - if still early - definitely miss out.
At first glance this sate judging is no different than any other sate-sate being sold on the roadside. Menunyapun standard course: lamb and chicken satay skewers, plus an additional menu of chicken soup. But if more attention again, pieces of meat in the Sate Orchid is a bit bigger than most of the sate. And when it entered the mouth, we feel the true difference. Soft flesh and a distinctive marinade completely absorbed. Do not forget the added spice of the thick peanut and sweet and a little soy sauce to taste absolutely perfect.
For Sale Rp. 900, - per stick, Orchid Satay can indeed be one option to eliminate hunger. If it's dying wish to immediately enjoy this sate, there came about four or five in the afternoon. Because if you come just a little past sunset, you have to face a long queue.
Source: Asti Rahman - langsung
See also :
At first glance this sate judging is no different than any other sate-sate being sold on the roadside. Menunyapun standard course: lamb and chicken satay skewers, plus an additional menu of chicken soup. But if more attention again, pieces of meat in the Sate Orchid is a bit bigger than most of the sate. And when it entered the mouth, we feel the true difference. Soft flesh and a distinctive marinade completely absorbed. Do not forget the added spice of the thick peanut and sweet and a little soy sauce to taste absolutely perfect.
For Sale Rp. 900, - per stick, Orchid Satay can indeed be one option to eliminate hunger. If it's dying wish to immediately enjoy this sate, there came about four or five in the afternoon. Because if you come just a little past sunset, you have to face a long queue.
Source: Asti Rahman - langsung
See also :
Selasa, 16 November 2010
It's Wine from Chile
In March of this year I reviewed a few Carmenere Wine from Chile and although they were not that bad, they still were not wines I personally would order when dining out or even buy as an everyday table wine. That left me still searching for some Chilean wines to add to my growing list of favorites. Now, thanks to Banfi Vintners, I have added three very nice red wines from Emiliana Vineyards of Valle del Maipo, Chile.
*Disclaimer: I received this wine as a sample from the PR folks at Banfi Vintners.
A few weeks ago I received three red wines, an Eco-Balance Carmenere, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The first opened was the Carmenere, a blend of 85% Carmenere and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon. It was time to try again as my daughter Pam just used the last of my Banfi Chianti Reserva to make a special tomato sauce for our Sunday evening dinner. The sauce is made from the residue of tomatoes used to make paste. Shirley just canned about 12 containers of tomato paste which leaves enough for a few gallons of tomato juice and a pot full of juicy pulp for a sauce. Pam's main additional ingredient is marjoram. She also added meatballs made from ground turkey and Italian meatballs made from beef, pork and veal. I opened the Carmenere for just an afternoon sip, but after a few swallows I knew I'd keep this one on the table for dinner.
Aromas of cherry and plum with hints of chocolate and not as smokey as the earlier reviewed Carmeneres were pleasant. The Eco-Balance was smoother, well balanced and finished long with a little pepper. It was amazingly great with the sauce and the Italian meatballs. This Carmenere was a hit and now a new favorite on my list.
A few nights later with a meal of pork chops, whipped potatoes and sauerkraut I opened the Merlot, a blend of 89% Merlot and 11% Syrah. Again the aromas were very nice. Lots of berry aromas with some clove or green pepper and a hint of vanilla leading to a smooth flavor filled taste and a very long smooth finish. Excellent pairing with the pork, but not so much with the kraut, but then again I have yet to find any wine I like with kraut. I also had some left that I poured the next night after work and found it to be fantastic. Definitely the best Chilean wine I have had to date.
Finally, this week, after work, I opened the Cabernet Sauvignon, a blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Syrah. This was not opened for any food, but just to enjoy as I wind down from a day at work. I did have a bowl of 'fat free' chocolate ice cream along with the wine which was a nice match.
The aromas were very typical Cab/Sauv dark fruit, plum, some pepper and clove with a touch oak. It was a good wine at a good price ($9), but not comparable to what I found in California or French Cab/Sauv's. Still it was a nice wine for sipping and I would not be against trying with a beef roast or a beef stew.
Eco-Balance is a collection of high quality, sustainably farmed wines created for relaxed everyday enjoyment.
Healthy grapes, beautiful vineyards teeming with life, thoughtful packaging and an earth-friendly ethos are the source of inspiration behind Eco-Balance from Emilian, the worlds single largest source of estate grown organic wines. All Eco-Balance wines originate in sustainably farmed vineyards in transition to full organic status. Synthetic pesticides and herbicides are shunned in favor of natural remedies that inspire life and biodiversity.
Eco-Balance wines are available in major metropolitan markets throughout the U.S. and are projected to retail for an affordable $9 a bottle. (why wine blog)
See also :
Dim Sum
*Disclaimer: I received this wine as a sample from the PR folks at Banfi Vintners.
A few weeks ago I received three red wines, an Eco-Balance Carmenere, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The first opened was the Carmenere, a blend of 85% Carmenere and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon. It was time to try again as my daughter Pam just used the last of my Banfi Chianti Reserva to make a special tomato sauce for our Sunday evening dinner. The sauce is made from the residue of tomatoes used to make paste. Shirley just canned about 12 containers of tomato paste which leaves enough for a few gallons of tomato juice and a pot full of juicy pulp for a sauce. Pam's main additional ingredient is marjoram. She also added meatballs made from ground turkey and Italian meatballs made from beef, pork and veal. I opened the Carmenere for just an afternoon sip, but after a few swallows I knew I'd keep this one on the table for dinner.
Aromas of cherry and plum with hints of chocolate and not as smokey as the earlier reviewed Carmeneres were pleasant. The Eco-Balance was smoother, well balanced and finished long with a little pepper. It was amazingly great with the sauce and the Italian meatballs. This Carmenere was a hit and now a new favorite on my list.
A few nights later with a meal of pork chops, whipped potatoes and sauerkraut I opened the Merlot, a blend of 89% Merlot and 11% Syrah. Again the aromas were very nice. Lots of berry aromas with some clove or green pepper and a hint of vanilla leading to a smooth flavor filled taste and a very long smooth finish. Excellent pairing with the pork, but not so much with the kraut, but then again I have yet to find any wine I like with kraut. I also had some left that I poured the next night after work and found it to be fantastic. Definitely the best Chilean wine I have had to date.
Finally, this week, after work, I opened the Cabernet Sauvignon, a blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Syrah. This was not opened for any food, but just to enjoy as I wind down from a day at work. I did have a bowl of 'fat free' chocolate ice cream along with the wine which was a nice match.
The aromas were very typical Cab/Sauv dark fruit, plum, some pepper and clove with a touch oak. It was a good wine at a good price ($9), but not comparable to what I found in California or French Cab/Sauv's. Still it was a nice wine for sipping and I would not be against trying with a beef roast or a beef stew.
Eco-Balance is a collection of high quality, sustainably farmed wines created for relaxed everyday enjoyment.
Healthy grapes, beautiful vineyards teeming with life, thoughtful packaging and an earth-friendly ethos are the source of inspiration behind Eco-Balance from Emilian, the worlds single largest source of estate grown organic wines. All Eco-Balance wines originate in sustainably farmed vineyards in transition to full organic status. Synthetic pesticides and herbicides are shunned in favor of natural remedies that inspire life and biodiversity.
Eco-Balance wines are available in major metropolitan markets throughout the U.S. and are projected to retail for an affordable $9 a bottle. (why wine blog)
See also :
Dim Sum
Senin, 15 November 2010
Ice cream Ragusa tradisional
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Ice cream? hmm… pasti semua pernah mencobanya, anak-anak sampai orang tua semua suka Ice cream, apalagi disajikan dalam kondisi cuaca yang panas siang hari, lebih-lebih kalau Ice cream gratis…
Usai meeting bersama teman-teman, saya sempatkan mampir ke sebuah tempat Ice cream bernama Ragusa, tempatnya ada di Jalan Veteran, dekat Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta Pusat. Konon katanya Ice cream disini (Ragusa) enak dan beda dengan es krim lainnya, karena katanya Ice cream tradisional tanpa pengawet, dan yang lebih seru adalah makan ditempat.
Tanpa pikir panjang kami pun memesan beberapa jenis Ice cream yang tersedia. Sambil menunggu Ice cream, pelayan memberikan segelas air mineral, dan tak berapa lama Ice cream yang kami pesan disajikan. Ice cream disajikan ke mangkuk aluminium, mumpung Ice cream masih dalam kondisi “mulus” saya pun tak lupa untuk mem-fotonya
Ice cream Ragusa ternyata memang beda dari Ice cream yang lain, punya khas tersendiri, dan memang fresh. Namun kita tak dapat berlama-lama menikmati Ice cream tersebut, karena tempat Ragusa tidak difasilitas pendingin ruangan (AC) hanya kipas angin (karena tradisional mungkin), dan ini membuat Ice cream cepat mencair, dan akan beda rasanya jika dinikmati, bukan Ice cream lagi, tapi air krim. (Imam Mahmudi -
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Usai meeting bersama teman-teman, saya sempatkan mampir ke sebuah tempat Ice cream bernama Ragusa, tempatnya ada di Jalan Veteran, dekat Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta Pusat. Konon katanya Ice cream disini (Ragusa) enak dan beda dengan es krim lainnya, karena katanya Ice cream tradisional tanpa pengawet, dan yang lebih seru adalah makan ditempat.
Tanpa pikir panjang kami pun memesan beberapa jenis Ice cream yang tersedia. Sambil menunggu Ice cream, pelayan memberikan segelas air mineral, dan tak berapa lama Ice cream yang kami pesan disajikan. Ice cream disajikan ke mangkuk aluminium, mumpung Ice cream masih dalam kondisi “mulus” saya pun tak lupa untuk mem-fotonya
Ice cream Ragusa ternyata memang beda dari Ice cream yang lain, punya khas tersendiri, dan memang fresh. Namun kita tak dapat berlama-lama menikmati Ice cream tersebut, karena tempat Ragusa tidak difasilitas pendingin ruangan (AC) hanya kipas angin (karena tradisional mungkin), dan ini membuat Ice cream cepat mencair, dan akan beda rasanya jika dinikmati, bukan Ice cream lagi, tapi air krim. (Imam Mahmudi -
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Cerita Penjual Soto
Sekian tahun berumah tangga, istri tercinta tak setuju Keman meneruskan profesinya. Alasannya, jadi kondektur bus sering pulang malam. Tahun 1970, Keman memilih jualan Soto, sekaligus meneruskan profesi ayahnya yang jual soto secara keliling. Ia sering membantu ayahnya jualan setelah putus sekolah. "Saya hanya sampai kelas 5 SR. Orang tua sudah tak mampu membiayai sekolah atau membeli pakaian," kenang Keman seraya mengatakan, saat itu ibunya menjadi abdi di kraton Solo.
Seperti ayahnya, Keman juga memulai usaha dengan cara berkeliling. Dari rumah kontrakannya, ia memikul angkring sampai Kampung Baluwarti di dekat Kraton Solo. Setiap hari, ia berangkat pukul 07.00 dan sampai di rumah pukul 10.00. "Jika dagangan masih, saya melanjutkan jualan di rumah dibantu istri. Kalau pagi, istri saya sibuk mengurusi anak sekolah."
Keman berkeliling sampai tahun 1989. Akhirnya Keman memilih tempat jualan di Jln. Veteran. "Saya tak lagi jualan soto pada siang hari. Pengalaman mengajarkan, dagang malam hari lebih banyak pembelinya," lanjut Keman. Tentu saja bukan hanya karena faktor malam hari soto Keman diminati pembeli. Ia mempunyai resep jitu. Salah satunya, aroma kuah soto terasa lain.
KLIK - Detail Apa resepnya? "Saya memasaknya menggunakan kuali. Sudah gitu, harus pakai kayu bakar. Nah, agar lebih mantap, saya tetap pakai daging sapi. Sebagai pelengkap, saya tambah tauge, seledri, dan tomat," kata Keman. Resep ini ternyata laris manis.
"Sekarang, tiap malam saya butuh air 1,5 kuali. Satu kuali kira-kira berisi 2,5 ember."
Begitu larisnya, usaha Keman jauh lebih sukses ketimbang ayahnya. Ia sanggup menabung dan tahun 1990 ia mampu membeli tanah dengan harga Rp 300 ribu per meter di Serengan. Beberapa tahun kemudian, ia sanggup membangun rumah di atas tanah berukuran 6 x 17 meter itu. "Sangat bahagia bisa punya rumah," lanjut Keman.
Keman membayangkan betapa sulitnya ketika masih kontrak rumah. "Dulu bingung kalau rumah tidak boleh diperpanjang kontraknya. Saya, kan, harus nyari rumah lain. Pokoknya, sekarang sudah tenang. Lebih senang lagi, dari hasil jualan soto, saya bisa menyekolahkan lima anak saya," jelas Keman bangga. (
Lihat juga :
Seperti ayahnya, Keman juga memulai usaha dengan cara berkeliling. Dari rumah kontrakannya, ia memikul angkring sampai Kampung Baluwarti di dekat Kraton Solo. Setiap hari, ia berangkat pukul 07.00 dan sampai di rumah pukul 10.00. "Jika dagangan masih, saya melanjutkan jualan di rumah dibantu istri. Kalau pagi, istri saya sibuk mengurusi anak sekolah."
Keman berkeliling sampai tahun 1989. Akhirnya Keman memilih tempat jualan di Jln. Veteran. "Saya tak lagi jualan soto pada siang hari. Pengalaman mengajarkan, dagang malam hari lebih banyak pembelinya," lanjut Keman. Tentu saja bukan hanya karena faktor malam hari soto Keman diminati pembeli. Ia mempunyai resep jitu. Salah satunya, aroma kuah soto terasa lain.
KLIK - Detail Apa resepnya? "Saya memasaknya menggunakan kuali. Sudah gitu, harus pakai kayu bakar. Nah, agar lebih mantap, saya tetap pakai daging sapi. Sebagai pelengkap, saya tambah tauge, seledri, dan tomat," kata Keman. Resep ini ternyata laris manis.
"Sekarang, tiap malam saya butuh air 1,5 kuali. Satu kuali kira-kira berisi 2,5 ember."
Begitu larisnya, usaha Keman jauh lebih sukses ketimbang ayahnya. Ia sanggup menabung dan tahun 1990 ia mampu membeli tanah dengan harga Rp 300 ribu per meter di Serengan. Beberapa tahun kemudian, ia sanggup membangun rumah di atas tanah berukuran 6 x 17 meter itu. "Sangat bahagia bisa punya rumah," lanjut Keman.
Keman membayangkan betapa sulitnya ketika masih kontrak rumah. "Dulu bingung kalau rumah tidak boleh diperpanjang kontraknya. Saya, kan, harus nyari rumah lain. Pokoknya, sekarang sudah tenang. Lebih senang lagi, dari hasil jualan soto, saya bisa menyekolahkan lima anak saya," jelas Keman bangga. (
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Dim Sum, Chinese Tradition
Dim Sum, a wonderfully tasty Chinese tradition goes as far back as the ancient Silk Road. In those days, dim sum was associated with another tradition called yum cha, or a tea tasting. Yum cha came about when weary travelers atop camels needed a place to rest and replenish themselves. Because of this, many teahouses were soon established all along various roadsides. Yum cha originally did not come with food, because it was believed that tea combined with food would cause disproportionate weight gain. However, when tea was later discovered to actually help with digestion problems, teahouses began to add many different types of snacks for people who stopped by. Although dim sum originally started off as snack food, it quickly popularized and became a unique, and most often times loud experience.
The actual emergence of dim sum as a culinary feat originated in southern China with the Cantonese. In China, dim sum can be served as early as six in the morning, and many people wake up this early to be first in line to try the tasty treats that they offer. Dim sum restaurants usually close by mid afternoon and do not reopen for dinner, as was the tradition many, many years ago. The style of dim sum restaurants is very unique because instead of one waiter taking our order, many waiters push carts with various dim sum items around the restaurant, and you pick and choose from these carts.
Salty and savory snacks like shu mai, dumplings of every flavor imaginable, and cha siu bao are offered. Shu mai (literally "cook and sell dumplings") can be vegetarian or made with meat, and they are wrapped with gyoza wrappers and steamed. Dumplings come in pork, shrimp, crab, and vegetable flavors, and are either made with a thick, rice flour dumpling wrapper or a translucent wheat starch wrapper.
These translucent dumpling wrappers are very difficult to cook precisely, but their flavor along with the dumpling filling is quite satisfying. Cha siu bao are buns with cha siu pork, a sweet and salty barbecued pork cooked into them. For dessert, you can indulge in egg custard tarts, a creamy and delicious treat, mango pudding, sesame seed balls, or red bean paste buns. An exceptionally delicious Chinese dessert is the dou fu hua, which is a soft tofu served in a sweetened ginger flavored soup. For the more adventurous, a dish called "Phoenix Talons" is also served at dim sum restaurants. These are in actuality chicken feet. They are deep-fried, boiled, and sometimes marinated with black bean sauce. They are very tender, and many people enjoy them once they get over the initial shock factor of the chicken feet.
This Asian delicacy has spread across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is now available in various countries throughout the world. It is an especially popular type of food in America, where Americans can get a taste of the delicacies and oddities of the Chinese cuisine. Just remember to get to a restaurant early, because they get busy fast! (Charles bloom - article alley)
See also :
Burger King
Sour Sally
The actual emergence of dim sum as a culinary feat originated in southern China with the Cantonese. In China, dim sum can be served as early as six in the morning, and many people wake up this early to be first in line to try the tasty treats that they offer. Dim sum restaurants usually close by mid afternoon and do not reopen for dinner, as was the tradition many, many years ago. The style of dim sum restaurants is very unique because instead of one waiter taking our order, many waiters push carts with various dim sum items around the restaurant, and you pick and choose from these carts.
Salty and savory snacks like shu mai, dumplings of every flavor imaginable, and cha siu bao are offered. Shu mai (literally "cook and sell dumplings") can be vegetarian or made with meat, and they are wrapped with gyoza wrappers and steamed. Dumplings come in pork, shrimp, crab, and vegetable flavors, and are either made with a thick, rice flour dumpling wrapper or a translucent wheat starch wrapper.
These translucent dumpling wrappers are very difficult to cook precisely, but their flavor along with the dumpling filling is quite satisfying. Cha siu bao are buns with cha siu pork, a sweet and salty barbecued pork cooked into them. For dessert, you can indulge in egg custard tarts, a creamy and delicious treat, mango pudding, sesame seed balls, or red bean paste buns. An exceptionally delicious Chinese dessert is the dou fu hua, which is a soft tofu served in a sweetened ginger flavored soup. For the more adventurous, a dish called "Phoenix Talons" is also served at dim sum restaurants. These are in actuality chicken feet. They are deep-fried, boiled, and sometimes marinated with black bean sauce. They are very tender, and many people enjoy them once they get over the initial shock factor of the chicken feet.
This Asian delicacy has spread across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is now available in various countries throughout the world. It is an especially popular type of food in America, where Americans can get a taste of the delicacies and oddities of the Chinese cuisine. Just remember to get to a restaurant early, because they get busy fast! (Charles bloom - article alley)
See also :
Burger King
Sour Sally
Sate Madura, Sate Ayam
Sate Madura umumnya adalah Sate ayam yang diberi sambal berupa saus kacang. Namun di Madura sendiri kadangkala yang dipakai bukanlah saus kacang namun saus atau sambal kemiri. Selain itu seringkali arang pembakaran Sate ini sering ditaburi dengan jeruk limau.
Untuk meraup lebih banyak keuntungan, pedagang Sate sering mencampur bumbu kacang dengan nasi kering yang telah dihaluskan. Nasi kering ini, dalam bahasa Bali disebut senggauk, merupakan nasi sisa yang dijemur di bawah terik matahari. Di beberapa daerah di Jawa, seperti pesisir utara, sepanjang pantura (pantai utara) meliputi daerah Indramayu, Brebes, nasi semacam itu disebutnya nasi aking. Umumnya dimakan orang-orang miskin yang tidak mampu membeli beras yang termurah sekalipun.
Sate Madura biasanya terbuat dari ayam. Madura selain terkenal sebagai pulau garam, juga terkenal dengan Sate-nya. Sate madura sudah terkenal di seluruh Nusantara, Sate Madura dapat ditemukan hampir di semua daerah khususnya di kota besar seperti Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, dan Surabaya. Konon di Madura sendiri Sate susah dicari. Tetapi selain ayam sebagai bahan utama Sate juga ada yang menggunakan kambing yang ditandai dengan digantungnya bagian kaki belakang si kambing di rombong sang penjual Sate. Bumbunya adalah campuran kacang yang ditumbuk halus petis dan sedikit bawang merah. Memanggangnya dengan api dari batok kelapa yang dihanguskan lebih dulu yang disebut dengan arang batok kelapa. Rasanya gurih tapi dipantangkan kepada mereka yang berkolesterol tinggi dan yang pengidap asam urat akut.
Sate Madura umumnya adalah Sate ayam yang diberi sambal berupa saus kacang. Namun di Madura sendiri kadangkala yang dipakai bukanlah saus kacang namun saus atau sambal kemiri. Selain itu seringkali arang pembakaran Sate ini sering ditaburi dengan jeruk limau.
Untuk meraup lebih banyak keuntungan, pedagang Sate sering mencampur bumbu kacang dengan nasi kering yang telah dihaluskan. Nasi kering ini, dalam bahasa Bali disebut senggauk, merupakan nasi sisa yang dijemur di bawah terik matahari. Di beberapa daerah di Jawa, seperti pesisir utara, sepanjang pantura (pantai utara) meliputi daerah Indramayu, Brebes, nasi semacam itu disebutnya nasi aking. Umumnya dimakan orang-orang miskin yang tidak mampu membeli beras yang termurah sekalipun. (
Lihat juga :
Dim Sum
Untuk meraup lebih banyak keuntungan, pedagang Sate sering mencampur bumbu kacang dengan nasi kering yang telah dihaluskan. Nasi kering ini, dalam bahasa Bali disebut senggauk, merupakan nasi sisa yang dijemur di bawah terik matahari. Di beberapa daerah di Jawa, seperti pesisir utara, sepanjang pantura (pantai utara) meliputi daerah Indramayu, Brebes, nasi semacam itu disebutnya nasi aking. Umumnya dimakan orang-orang miskin yang tidak mampu membeli beras yang termurah sekalipun.
Sate Madura biasanya terbuat dari ayam. Madura selain terkenal sebagai pulau garam, juga terkenal dengan Sate-nya. Sate madura sudah terkenal di seluruh Nusantara, Sate Madura dapat ditemukan hampir di semua daerah khususnya di kota besar seperti Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, dan Surabaya. Konon di Madura sendiri Sate susah dicari. Tetapi selain ayam sebagai bahan utama Sate juga ada yang menggunakan kambing yang ditandai dengan digantungnya bagian kaki belakang si kambing di rombong sang penjual Sate. Bumbunya adalah campuran kacang yang ditumbuk halus petis dan sedikit bawang merah. Memanggangnya dengan api dari batok kelapa yang dihanguskan lebih dulu yang disebut dengan arang batok kelapa. Rasanya gurih tapi dipantangkan kepada mereka yang berkolesterol tinggi dan yang pengidap asam urat akut.
Sate Madura umumnya adalah Sate ayam yang diberi sambal berupa saus kacang. Namun di Madura sendiri kadangkala yang dipakai bukanlah saus kacang namun saus atau sambal kemiri. Selain itu seringkali arang pembakaran Sate ini sering ditaburi dengan jeruk limau.
Untuk meraup lebih banyak keuntungan, pedagang Sate sering mencampur bumbu kacang dengan nasi kering yang telah dihaluskan. Nasi kering ini, dalam bahasa Bali disebut senggauk, merupakan nasi sisa yang dijemur di bawah terik matahari. Di beberapa daerah di Jawa, seperti pesisir utara, sepanjang pantura (pantai utara) meliputi daerah Indramayu, Brebes, nasi semacam itu disebutnya nasi aking. Umumnya dimakan orang-orang miskin yang tidak mampu membeli beras yang termurah sekalipun. (
Lihat juga :
Dim Sum
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